Page 43 of Claimed By Night

“Where did you come from?”

She closes her eyes again and pauses as tears begin to drip from her lashes. Her hands are now fists at her sides, and her skin tone is pure white.

“She cryin’,” Flumph says, and he glances up at me with an expression of concern.

“Cambion, no more,” I whisper as I face the man in question. But he doesn’t bother looking at me and, instead, continues staring at her, his jaw tight. He’s angry and by his expression, he isn’t about to give up anytime soon.

“Where did you come from?” he repeats.

“I… I don’t know,” she answers.

Cambion frowns and his eyes are hard, deliberate. “Is it true your memories aren’t available to you?”

Tears roll freely down her cheeks now and her breathing is coming in ragged gasps. “Yes, it’s true.”

“Are you trying to manipulate us into doing your bidding?”

“She don’t look too good,” Flumph points out, looking up at Cambion, but when Cambion doesn’t respond, the sprite looks at me. “You gotta stop him, Dragan.”

“Are you trying to manipulate us?” Cambion says louder, glaring at the sprite and then at me.

“No,” she whispers, then begins to openly sob.

“Cambion,” I snarl at him again. “Enough.”

“What do you want from us?” he nearly interrupts me.

She’s started crying uncontrollably, the pulse in her neck pounding. “Your… protection.”

“From what?”

“I… I don’t know.” Another tremor rocks through her and she arches her back, gritting her teeth as she cries out.

“Stop!” Flumph yells. He’s careful to keep his hands on her as he looks at Cambion imploringly. There’s wild fear in his eyes. “I can feel her pain! You gotta stop!”

“Cambion!” I yell at him, and he finally looks at me. “You’ve gotten your answers, now release her!”

He makes no motion to do anything. Just stands there, glaring at me.

“Fucking release her!” I yell at him.

“I haven’t accessed her subconscious. All her answers are coming from her conscious mind, which is why she can’t answer any of my questions,” he responds.

“I don’t fucking care. You’re hurting her!”

She begins to hyperventilate and I glare at Cambion. I want to bury my fucking fists into his face and tear away that look of determination. I want to kill him for what he’s just done to her. But I know I can’t break the circle—if I do, the magic won’t escape her body and it will destroy her as quickly as I release my hands.

“I want fucking answers,” Cambion snarls, clenching his teeth as he frowns at me, his eyes issuing their own warning.

Eilish’s breathing is coming so quickly, I’m afraid she’s about to lose consciousness. She throws her head from side to side as an agonizing moan escapes her.

“Release her now or I’ll fucking kill you,” I say very clearly, staring directly at Cambion.

He glances down at the angel, who’s sweating and pale, her tears bleeding into the black earth beneath her.

Cambion frowns and begins speakingElvishagain. As soon as the words leave his mouth, the glow enveloping her begins to fade and she breathes out a long sigh. After another few seconds, it’s gone completely, and Cambion finishes the enchantment and drops our hands.

That’s when I pull my arm back and release it, punching him across the face.