Page 20 of Claimed By Night




We walk for, like, three hours—well… Dragan an’ Thoradin do. Dragan’s carryin’ the angel an’ I’m ridin’ on her back real comfortable like.

“You know’s what I hate ‘bout the other realms?” I say to Dragan, but he don’t turn ‘round to look at me soze I justcontinue talkin’. “I hate that there ain’t none o’ the modern conveniences like we got in the Mortal Realm.”

“What are you on about?” Dragan grumbles.

“Look at us,” I answer. “We been walkin’ nonstop for ways too long when we coulda been drivin’ us a sweet ass ride if we was in the Mortal Realm.”

“Every realm has its benefits and hindrances,” Dragan say.

“This faerie realm make it feel like we back in the medieval times,” I complain. “An’ name me one good thing ‘bout yer realm.”

He finally glance back at me, an’ he wearin’ a smirk. “No sprites.”

“Ha ha, real damn funny, anus face,” I mutter. “Why it be that way, anyways?”

“Why is what what way?” Dragan ask me back.

“The realms? Why there be modern conveniences in the Mortal Realm but not here?”

“Because Variant wants it that way.”

“Why he want it that way?”

“You never stop asking questions, do you?”

“Not ‘til I get me some answers.”

Dragan sigh like he real frustrated, but he answer all the same. “Because Cambion was banished to the Fae Realm and I was banished to the Shadow Realm, Variant disallowed us both the benefits of technology that evolved in the Mortal Realm. It’s part and parcel of our punishment.”

“Then you ain’t never seen a vehicle before?” I ask.

He glares at me. “I’veseenvehicles before because I haven’t stayed trapped in my realm, as you’re already aware.” He take a big breath. “No more questions.”

Then he an’ Thoradin stop walkin’ an’ jist start starin’ at this big-ass tree, like it’s nekked an’ got titties or somethin’. I guessall trees are nekked but this one definitely don’t got no titties. It do look old an’ dead, though.

“The Tree of Shadows,” Dragan announce, then he lean down an’ carefully puts the unconscious girl on the ground. She ain’t made a sound this whole time. Not a peep, fart… nothin’. I checked her a couple times ta make sure she ain’t dead, but she still alive. For now, anyways.

I watch Dragan as he stands in front o’ the tree an’ then close his eyes an’ starts movin’ his hands in front o’ him like he touchin’ a ball. Not like a hairy testicle ball, but like a ball you bounce.

Anyhows, all o’ a sudden, there’s like dark shadows pourin’ out his hands an’ they’re spreadin’ down his arms, an’ I’m startin’ to get antsy ‘cause I’m a creature o’ the light an’ I dunno ’bout this dark arts crap. An’ Dragan’s like the King o’ the Darkness. I swear, if that tree come to life an’ start talkin’, I’m gonna shit my pants an’ die. Right here.

Well, that ain’t ‘xactly what happens. Instead, Dragan start speakin’ some crap I don’t understand, an’ then the center o’ the tree get all blurry an’ translucent-like. It’s like, wavin’ with ripples you can see through, but when I look real hard, I don’t see what I figure would be on the other side o’ the tree. ‘stead, I see a totally different place that ain’t got nothin’ to do with this one. Yeah, I know. It don’t make sense to me neithers.

Dragan stops his ball rubbin’ an’ stops talkin’ his gibberish an’ leans over to pick up the girl, with me still sittin’ on her.

He frown at me but I smile back ‘cause I’m a happy sprite like that.

I’m guessin’ the tree’s actually a portal into some other place ‘cause Dragan start walkin’ into the blurry part an’ he don’t get smacked in the face by tree bark or nothin’. Come to think o’ it, I kinda wish he did get smacked in the face, ‘cause he a right twatan’ need to be brought down a peg or two an’ that’d be some funny shit.

When we comes out the other side o’ the tree, it’s like we’s in dreamland. It ain’t pitch dark no more, but it ain’t bright, neither. ‘stead, the air’s that dark blue like it be right before sunset.

“How long does the angel have before the withdrawals begin, liege?” Thoradin asks Dragan, who shrugs.