“She has wings!”
“Halt.” I hold up a hand and each of the guards immediately stops walking, taking their stone form again. The sprite is now captured between them, its tiny hands clasped in the stone of the guards’ hands. The creature’s wings stop beating and it slumps forward, obviously exhausted and no longer finding it necessary to keep itself airborne.
“What did you just say?” I demand with renewed attention as I close the few steps that separate us.
“The angel got wings, Dragan Lord,” the sprite repeats nervously, apparently ill at ease with being so close to the King of Gargoyles, the King of Shadow, the master of Arcane Magic.
“That’s impossible,” I say as I continue to study the creature narrowly. “You know as well as I do that all angels’ wings were removed from them long ago.”
“I know it sound crazy,” the sprite tells me, nodding emphatically. “But I’m tellin’ you, this one still got her wings. I saw ‘em for myself.”
“You saw them?”
“Sure did,” it confirms. “I was tryin’ to give her a bath, an’ that angel was so outta her mind onAtacomitethat her wings jist sort o’ blasted right outta her! I don’t even think she realized what the hell was goin’ on.”
“But you said she had the markings?” I ask, shaking my head in disbelief. I don’t understand how this could be true. If itistrue, it’s an oversight—and Variant doesn’t do oversights.
“Yeah, she do! Someone marked her, but that same person musta left her wings intact. Maybe on purpose, maybe not, I dunno. All’s I can tell you is that angel’s got her wings an’ that’s a pretty big deal, righty-oh?”
I shake my head. A “pretty big deal” doesn’t even begin to describe it, should this sprite’s information be accurate. “If what you’re saying is true…”
“It be true. All o’ it.”
“Then the fake markings were no oversight,” I finish as something important occurs to me. “Did Anonaseethe angel’s wings?”
“Negatory. That be why I came to you, Lord Shadow,” the sprite manages.
“Why didn’t you tell Anona?”
“I couldn’t. You know Anona.”
“I do.”
“Well, if you do know Anona, then you knows that angel’s in trouble the longer she stay in Anona’s care. The tavern’s the wrong place for an angel. ‘specially one with her wings.”
“Is Anona whoring her out?” I ask, knowing Anona and her opportunism all too well. Angels, as rare as they have become, are the most beautiful of creatures and, as such, they’re highly sought-after. But one with her wings intact… I can’t even comprehend what her street value would be.
“That be Anona’s plan,” the sprite responds. “Startin’ tomorrow. That’s why we gotta free her tonight, Dragan Shadow Master.”
“Idon’t have to do anything,” I answer him immediately as I cross my arms against my chest and try to decide what the fuck I should do. If the sprite speaks the truth and there really is an intact angel at the tavern, then I have no choice but to go after her. “I take orders from no one.”
“Right, right. Forgive me for my insolence, Shadow Demon,” the sprite says, then takes a deep breath.
“And stop with the titles.”
“Time’s of the essence, Dragan Lord. An’… an’ that angel needs yer help.”
I’m quiet as I consider what this means. If the sprite’s telling the truth and the angel really does possess her wings, she could be the answer to the imbalance between shadow and light. She could be the only weapon against the power and madness of Variant. A power and madness that’s quickly changing life as we know it—and not for the better.
But if the sprite’s lying or has his facts confused, this will be a colossal waste of my time. Not to mention, Anona isn’t someone I want as my enemy.
“If you’re lying to me,” I begin as I stare him through.
He interjects quickly “I ain’t, you gotta trust me. I’m tellin’ you the truth.”
I maintain my expression. “If not, your ending won’t be a pleasant one.” Then, I turn away from him and face the ten or so soldiers who line the room. “We have an errand this evening,” I explain. “Thoradin.” I address the head of my centurion guards.
“Yes, my liege?”