“You keep your mouth shut, whoever the hell you are!” Cambion rail at her an’ he takes a couple steps closer, lookin’ at her like she the devil herself. “She’s just a stupid fucking…”
But before he can finish, Dragan’s right in front o’ him like he’s thinkin’ Cambion’s gonna hurt her or some shit. Anyways, Dragan slam his fist into Cambion’s face an’ the elf king goes flyin’, like, ten feet. He land on the ground but he up faster than I can blink. An’ then, in like another blink, his fist is slammin’ ‘cross Dragan’s face. The gargoyle king launches backwards, which surprise the hells outta me ‘cause Cambion don’t look like he got it in ‘em to knock Dragan off his feet!
Dragan get up to his knees an’ check his jaw to make sure it ain’t broke, an’ then he face Cambion an’ he’s, like, mega-pissed. But rather than punchin’ Cambion back into the Fae Realm, Dragan surprise us all when he hold up his big mitt o’ a hand.
“Enough!” he yell as he stand there, pantin’.
Cambion stride closer but he don’t make no move to attack. He just stand, too, glarin’. His lip is bleedin’ real bad where the gargoyle king got a good shot in.
“He’s right,” Dragan say as he look from Cambion to me. I’m just as surprised by Dragan’s words as Cambion is.
“There’s been no proof that she’s an intact angel,” Dragan say. Then he glare at me an’ Cambion glare at me, too, like it be my fault they’re goin’ nuclear on each other’s asses.
“I ain’t lyin,” I say, gettin’ real sick o’ this convo. “I saw what I said I saw.”
“If it’s true, tell her to show us,” Cambion demand as he faces Eilish. “If you’re really an angel, show us your wings.”
“If you been holdin’ back,” I says as I look at her. “You gotta stop holdin’ back now, girl. They’s at their wits end an’ I don’t wanna get kilt ‘cause they ain’t believin’ me.” I take a breath. “Make them wings come out your back, Eilish, please.”
Her eyes are wide an’ she frown, droppin’ her head real sad-like. “I don’t… know how,” she answer, her voice low an’ exhausted.
The Raven Forest,
Shadow Realm
“Leave her be,” Dragan says as he faces the “angel” and then glares at me. “She’s dealt with enough.”
Dragan has it worse than I imagined. I don’t know if the woman has charmed him or what, but he’s unreliable now. He’s fully in bed with her, and that makes him dangerous. When I chance a quick look back, I find her sitting against the tree. Her eyes are wide, but she makes no motion to say or do anything. I’m not convinced she’s even an angel. Maybe a hag magicking herself to appear as one. If a hag’s magic were strong enough, it would be possible.
“You’re putting all your faith into this supposed angel, but you still don’t know if she really has her wings,” I say, my voice coarse.
“I can’t argue that point,” Dragan admits reluctantly.
“Right. None of us can.” Then, I turn to face the sprite. “The only person here who insists the angel has wings is you,” I point out, inhaling deeply. I’m tired of this subject and I want answers once and for all. “For all we know, she’s either charmed you just like she’s attempting to charm us, or you’re fully aware of her duplicity.”
“What are you going on about?” Dragan insists.
I look at Dragan but I don’t respond right away. Instead, I glance at Thoradin and find him studying me with interest. He’s following the line of my argument. And, from his expression, it doesn’t seem as though he finds my perspective unbelievable. Hmm, maybe someone will see reason after all.
“I don’t believe our angel is all she appears to be,” I finish.
“I ain’t no liar,” Flumph squeaks, flitting away from the fire so he can come right up into my face. “I ain’t!” he repeats emphatically, his voice growing even more tinny in its emotion. “I saws what I saws, an’ I’m tellin’ you, she got her wings! Big ‘uns, too!”
“There you have it,” Dragan says with a shrug.
I can’t hide my incredulity. “So that’s it? We just believe him?” I ask, facing Dragan first and then Thoradin. Both are frowning.
“What else is there to do, Cambion?” Dragan’s voice sounds tired, like I’m a petulant child harassing him.
“I don’t know, Dragan,” I spit back. “Maybe not risk our fucking lives on the word of a bug!”
He shakes his head but doesn’t answer. My face flushes; my hands are shaking so violently I have no choice but to ball them into fists.
“We could subject her to theEnchantment of True Seeing,” Thoradin proposes in a low voice. I’m surprised he’s offered a suggestion as I’ve never heard him do so before. Usually, he’s Dragan’s yes-man and nothing more.