I almost laugh but I keeps it in. Dragan look surprised that I said what I did an’ honestly, I’m kinda surprised, too, but it were funny. He don’t respond.
I don’t say nothin’ more, neither, but instead jist watch as Dragan’s centurions disappear ‘round the tavern. As in, they literal disappear from sight. Like I can’t see them no more.
“How the fuck they do that?”
“Arcane Magic,” Dragan answer, but his focus is on the tavern. His eyes be narrowed like he tryin’ to decide which be the best way in.
“You keep sayin’ that. What you mean, Arcane Magic?”
“I meanNethermancy.”
“Who Nancy?”
Dragan sigh. “Shadow Magic blended with arcane energy results in Arcane Magic.”
“Soze what that got ta do with your soldiers jist disappearin’?”
“The centurions are still standing within eyesight but, through a trick of your senses, you can’t see them. It’s calledThe Untraceable Step, pure gargoyle magic, sprite.”
“Well, I’ll,” I start.
“Remain quiet until I say otherwise,” he interrupt an’ then close his stone-gray eyes. “I must concentrate in order to locate our captive.”
“Our captive?”
“The angel,” he grumble as he open his eyes an’ looks real annoyed like. Actually, he always look that way.
“I can tell you where she is…”
“You could tell me where she was before you came to see me. Since then, Anona could have moved her and I don’t want to waste more time. This must be a speedy enterprise, because my magic isn’t as potent in this realm.”
“An’ you only got youze an hour.”
“That, too.”
King Shadow Dick close his eyes agin an’ hold his hands out in front o’ him like he suddenly an old, blind beggar. No sooner do he do that than his huge wings come flyin’ outta his back an’ nearly give me a fuckin’ heart attack. The things are black, rubbery, an’ ribbed like bat wings. No wonder I thought he bea demon. With those things archin’ outta him, he damn sure as hell look like one.
“I detect her,” he announce in a deep voice. Then he open his eyes again. “Sprite, you’ve done me a service but, from here, we part ways.”
I clears my throat. This be the part I need to talk to him ‘bout—but was hopin’ for a better time, a little later. “Yeah, about that,” I start. “I had me a gig with Anona which meant I worked for her an’ she gave me housin’, but once she figure I sold her out, it ain’t like I can jist go back there with my tail ‘tween my legs. Especially ‘cause I ain’t gotta tail, anyways…”
“Bloody hell,” Dragan grumble as he shake his head an’ face me real cross-like. “We’ll discuss it later.”
Then he disappear, jist like his team o’ gargoyle soldiers who be still surroundin’ Anona’s tavern only you can’t see ‘em.
I ain’t ‘xactly sure what ta do with myself an’ I really don’t like missin’ out on the action. That’s when I remembers the broken window on the side o’ the tavern that lead into the storage room where Anona keep all the rations. Just so happens, I’m small ’nough ta fit inside. No use in me waitin’ out in the cold when I could be packin’ me things, ‘cause after Dragan bust that angel outta here, it ain’t like I can come back. Nosiree—I’ll be on the run.
I fly to the rear o’ the tavern, squeeze through the broken window, then fly up the wooden staircase to the door. I listen ‘gainst the wood, tryin’ to hear if there be voices anywheres nearby. But all’s I can hear is the sound o’ loud music an’ bad singin’ an’ even louder laughter an’ voices. Sound like a full house. Word ‘bout the angel musta already got out.
I reach my lil fingers in the keyhole an’ play with the latch ‘til I hears it click. Then, I rotates the knob ‘til it open an’ I push the door forward. Pokin’ my head out, I see every table is full o’ Anona’s customers an’ they be all drinkin’. Some o’ ‘em aredancin’, too. An’ no one’s payin’ any attention to the door that lead to the storage room.
Quickly, I pop out an’ float down to the ground, realizin’ I’ll be less noticeable if I’m beneath most o’ these creatures’ lines o’ sight. I push the door closed an’ then start for the staircase. I can hear the sound o’ heavy footfalls on the stairs as soon’s I reach ‘em, but since I can’t see no one, I figure it must be Dragan bein’ all invisible an’ shit.
“That you, Shadow Master?” I whisper.
All’s I hear back is a shushin’ sound, soze I figure it must be ‘cause no one else be that rude.
I follows the sound o’ his footsteps an’ I’m pretty surprised when he turn to the left at the top o’ the stairs ‘stead o’ the right. Guess Anona did move the angel!