

“And it makes me worry about what happens when the horseman here wakes up.”

“So maybe we don’t stick around for a super long time here,” Leonid says. “I’ll make amends to your family, and then we’ll head back to Russia.”

I smack his arm. “Now you’re just looking for a way to cut the suffering short.”

His chagrined face tells me that’s at least partially true.

But when we finally arrive, we don’t get the welcome I’m expecting. Everyone’s there, and everyone’s scowling, but when I get out of the passenger side of the Mercedes sports car, I look up at Mom and Steve’s porch, and I see an enormous sign taped to the trim.


“I wanted it to say Maleficent,” Whitney says. “But Gabe was a big baby about it.”

“Maleficent’s a girl,” Gabe says.

“And Megamind’sblue,” Whitney says. “Like that’s not worse.”

“But,” Gabe says. “Megamind gets the girl.” He’s beaming then, and he does little gun fingers at Leonid. “Welcome to the family, king horse guy!”

“Can I get a ride?” Whitney asks. “Or, like, is itonly Izzywho gets to ride you?”

“I think you have to say yes,” I whisper. “Pony rides might be better than Lucchese boots.”

“Hey,” Aunt Helen says. “I heard that.”

“I want to see you set something on fire,” Gabe says. “And then put it out with water. And then lift something up with air, and then?—”

“Did you not get the memo about him not using magic?” I ask. “We’re not supposed to be doing things,nothings at all.”

Gabe rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on. A little bit’s fine, right?”

Leonid chuckles. “We’ll see.”

“I know what that means,” Gabe says. “It meansno.” He’s still grumping as we go inside. “Now we have to eat Whitney’s sucky cookingandwe don’t get any magic.”

“I do have some good news,” Leonid says.

I can’t wait to hear what this is.

“Before she agreed to return to Russia with me, I bought your sister not one, buttwonew vehicles.” He smiles. “I thought Gabe might want the brand new truck I bought her.”

His eyes widen and his mouth makes a big round o.

“And I thought Whitney might want the sports car I bought her.”

“It’s a Shelby Cobra,” I say. “It’s blue with white racing stripes.”

“What?” Gabe swears loudly. “Why doessheget the race car and I get stuck with the crappy old truck?”

Leonid frowns. “I thought you’d want the truck, since Steve?—”

Gabe rolls his eyes. “I have a beat up old truck already. I want the car.”

“I’d prefer the brand new truck,” Whitney says. “Maybe we can trade?”