I open my mouth to tell him where he can stick his darling, but he’s looking at me intently. Just beyond his face, out of the corner of my eye, I see the woman, her mouth dangling open, watching us.
“Are you twotogether?” She swallows. “Because I heard you were single.”
“My sweet Isabel’s very private.” Leonid catches her eye. “I trust you can keep our secret.”
She inhales, sharply, and then she nods.
I hand her the deposit slip, my account number and routing written down.
“This is you?” She frowns. “Isabel Brooks?”
I nod.
She shakes her head slowly, and then she says. “Well, alright.”
A moment later, she presses some buttons and I hear a small printer whirring. She whips the paper off and hands it to me. “This shows your current account balance.”
I stand up and incline my head. “Thanks for your help.”
“Yes, we appreciate it.” Leonid drops an arm around my shoulders. “More than you know.” His smile doesn’t look as forced.
“What’s so funny?” I ask, as we’re finally walking out of her small office. The bank exit’s in sight.
“When we’re touching, even through clothing, I can access my powers. All of them.” His smile widens. “It’s—I’ve missed it.”
“Yes, I imagine that not having the ability to fricassee other humans is a little worrisome.”
He pulls my key out of his pocket with his free hand and finally releases me, walking toward the driver’s side.
“Wouldn’t it be easier if you let me drive?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, I find that I quite like chaperoning you around.”
“I think you mean chauffeuring.”
“Does chauffeuring mean that I’m monitoring the people you choose to trust and help?” He lifts both eyebrows.
“No,” I say. “It means you’re giving me a ride.”
“Since this is your car, and since I’m not just driving you around, I’d like to stick with my original word.”
“I don’t need a chaperone. It’s not eighteen-ninety-eight.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Leonid says. “I’d barely be born.”
“Here.” We’re in front of the truck, and he has just opened my door.
“I can open my own door.” I bump his hand away.
“This isn’t done anymore when two people are courting?”
Courting?“What’s with the weird comments about what’s done now?” I sigh and push past him into the truck. “Everyone else in the country may be in love with you, but I’m not. I’m also starting to think you’re really, really weird.”
“Let’s just say that it’s been a long time since I’ve been on a date. I’m not really sure what people on one do anymore.”
I stiffen. “We aren’t on a date, Leo. We’re headed to jail to help my boyfriend, remember?”