A jolt of what feels like electricity shoots up my arm and knocks me back on my rear end in the dirt. When I finally regain my bearings enough to sit up, Drago’sgone.
There’s a painfully beautiful man standing where he was.
A very dirty, verynakedman.
I really should not be looking, but underneath the dirt, and the smug smile, he has aglorioushuman body.
Utah weather in the fall is nothing compared to a Russian winter.
In fact, in the time I’ve been here, I haven’t even needed a jacket. The temperatures have dropped quite a bit in the last few days, and still, I’m fine. In fact, as a horse, I’ve been quite comfortable. When the weather becomes colder overnight, my fur fluffs up and I stay comfortable enough to have no cause for complaint.
I have a newfound appreciation for the ingenious design of a horse’s coat. Because right now, now that I’m naked, I’m completelyfreezing, and I feel far, far too exposed.
Not that I’d ever show it.
“Isabel Brooks.” I shake my head. “Finally I’m able to speak.”
Her lovely blue eyes widen even further. “You—you can speak?” She shakes her head and stands, averting her eyes. “Of course you can speak. You aren’t really a horse who just turned into a naked man. Whoareyou, and what happened to Drago?”
“IamDrago,” I say. “Or rather, you called me Drago when I was in my horse form, but I’m actually Leonid Ivanovich, Czar of Russia, currently visiting America for the first time.”
She coughs and turns toward me, her eyes meeting mine and then dropping downward. Her entire face flushes bright red again.
I can’t help my smile.
She’s not a child, and yet she’s so innocent about everything.
“Now that I’m in my human form, if you would be willing to loan me some clothing, I can accompany you on your errand as you wished.”
“As I. . .” Her jaw drops. “If I loan you some—” She nods vigorously. “Yes. Clothing. You obviously need clothing. Wait here.”
I spread my arms. “I can’t go anywhere else. You’ve locked me into a pasture, have you not?”
She gulps. “I mean, you were ahorse. That’s what people do with horses.”
“We do the same in Russia, yes.” I’m smiling again. “I’m not angry for the way you treated me, given what you knew, but clothing would be most appreciated.”
She nods and sprints away, stopping about halfway to the house. She turns around slowly and then looks out toward the road. “I—I can’t just leave you out here.” She swallows. “Notnakedlike that.” She points down, at the parts she’s trying not to look directly at.
I can’t help my smile again. “I doubt I’d be harmed by a small wait, but I’d be just as happy to follow you inside.” I bite my lower lip. “I promise not tobite.”
She blinks, nods slowly, and then jogs over to the gate. She keeps her eyes intently focused on the lock until it’s open, and then she’s careful to look at the ground as we walk back toward the house. “You must be really cold.”
“I could do with a hot shower, if you have time to allow for it.”
She opens the front door by entering the number 0735 on a keypad, and then she waves me in. “Of course. You’ll find a shower there, on the left.” She points. “I’ll find you some clothes and leave them outside the door.”
The bathroom’s small, as befits a man as unworthy as her boyfriend, but the hot shower feels heavenly. It’s interesting that even the lowliest of men in the present age live better than the kings did in my time. Hot water at the turn of a knob. Prepared foods of every taste and variety, frozen, fresh, or dried, stacked up in row upon row at grocery stores. Fruits and vegetables out of season, still readily available year round.
When I reach through a crack in the doorway, I can’t help noticing that she’s watching me from the corner of the family room. When our eyes meet, she squeaks and backs away until she’s out of sight.
I can’t help my smile.
With her blonde hair and her bright eyes, she’s like the sunshine the room lacks, thanks to the closed drapes. My solnyshko. My very own sunshine.