“She’s Russian?” Grandfather closes his eyes. “I should’ve known. And let me guess—she’s the reason you just disappeared like that? She’s gotten herself in some kind of trouble?” He glances down at her stomach, tilting his head sideways.
“She’s not pregnant,” I say.
“Be sure it’s yours,” he says. “They have tests for that these days.”
Katerina laughs. “It’snot anyone’s. I’m not pregnant.”
“That’s a relief.” Grandfather turns back to me. “I mean all of it. I’ll put it in writing now.” He waves his hand behind him, clearly gesturing at the Chief Counsel for Belmont Group. “Bring the shares.”
“You’re really not listening,” I say.
“No.” He slams his hand down on the table. “You’renot listening.”
“Sir.” Tiny, ephemeral little Emery sidles past my large and overbearing grandfather and presses one hand against his chest. “I’m going to have to ask you to back up, and then I’m going to insist that you leave.” She huffs. “Please.”
My jaw hits the tiled floor.
“Who are you?” Grandfather’s scowl could practically peel the old wallpaper off the walls. I’m actually nervous for the little girl who just intervened on my behalf.
“I’m the waitress for these two.” She points at Katerina and me. “And as their waitress, I’m responsible for them having a nice meal.” She leans a little closer and drops her voice. “Actually, my compensation relies on them having a good meal. Tips, am I right?” She sighs. “And you’re just ruining everyone’s night with your ‘listen here’ routine.”
“Get out of the way, little girl.” Grandfather frowns.
“When I was living back in New York City, I survived a year of junior high at a private, all girls institution.” She raises her eyebrows meaningfully. “My freshman year in high school, I helped the horse doc break a mustang. That mustang is now my barrel horse.” She drops one hand on her hip. “You don’t scare me, old man. You’re one tongue-lashing away from a heart attack. So, push me.” She steps closer, her eyes flashing. “I dare you.” She hisses. “Did I mention I know the sheriff? Because my great-uncle is always watching the Tonight Show right now, and he would be really annoyed if I had to call him down here because a non-customer was being belligerent in my place of business.”
Grandfather swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
In all my life, I’ve never seen anyone shut Grandfather down—never. But watching a hundred-pound girl do it, well. The Birch Creek people are made a little different. It takes a few moments after Grandfather leaves for me to stop trembling.
The huge slices of apple pie Emery brings over do help. “On the house,” she says. “I had a nasty father, you know. They only respond to bullies.”
I tip Emery quite well, but on the way home, Katerina asks me a question. An obvious question. “Will your grandfather’s appearance bring Leonid here?”
I’m so stupid that it’s only occurring to me now.
Of course it will.
He knew my name was Daniel Belmont, and my grandfather may not be quite as high profile as the newly elected czar of Russia, but he’s noteworthy. And there’s no way he’s not using credit cards.
My arrogant, irritating grandfather just blew our cover.
I think about our options the whole way home, but all this stupid drama ruined our date. That might make me the angriest of all. That, and leaving this tiny town that I’d never even heard of before we came. I’m even sad to leave the cantankerous old woman who shut the door in our face when we first arrived.
But when we reach Steve and Abigail’s house, I know what we need to do. I cut the engine and turn to face my gorgeous girlfriend. “I’m going to use all three powers at once,” I say. “Or you know, I’m going to try.”
“What?” Katerina grabs my hand. “You can’t do that. Just getting one new one is awful enough, but three?”
“Then you guys are going to do what I said. You’re going to drive me around and around, taking turns sleeping and driving, until I wake up. Once that happens, I can learn to use those powers as we travel—stopping in empty fields or wherever we can to practice, staying ahead of Leonid. Once I’m competent, we’ll stop and let him find us.”
“Gustav,” she says. “I don’t like this plan at all.”
“Who knows?” I ask. “Maybe when I take the other powers, I can stop Leonid from using them.”
“Have you been able to stop Grigoriy or Aleks?” She frowns. “I feel like I’d have heard about that.”
I shake my head. “Not so far, but maybe once I have control of all five, I’ll be able to.”
“Gustav,” she says. “Let’s talk to everyone about this. We can come up with a real plan.”