Page 108 of My Wild Horse King

Ever, maybe.

For the next few days, I practice all day each day. And by practice, I mean Grigoriy and Aleksandr work harder and harder to try to kill me, and I improve at stopping them. We start at daybreak, and we stop well after the sun has gone down.

But for at least an hour after I shower and before I sleep, I sneak away with Katerina for a walk. Sometimes we literally just walk and talk. Other times, well. Holding her hand is magical. Kissing her neck is nirvana.

On the fifth day, just after lunch, I realize something has changed. Instead of hanging on for dear life as they pummel me, I’m going after them. And, alone, I’m beating them back. We still have an audience, but since peopledohave lives, it’s often smaller and it varies. Right now, the only person watching us is my sister.

“It’s time,” Aleks says when we finally break from training.

“Time for what?” I’m panting, but this time, they’re dirty and sweaty, and I look pretty clean.

“It’s time for you to take water.”

“Won’t that maybe let Leonid know where we are?”

“We have one advantage,” Aleks says. “He’s being watched, so if he’s coming for us, we’ll see it. The media that so loves him follows him like a hawk.”

I suppose he’s right.

“If I’m about to summon the devil, I want something first.”

“What?” Aleks and Grigoriy ask at the same time.

“A proper date.”

“Here?” Grigoriy asks. “Where would you even go?”

“Who cares?” I ask. “Brownings. Or the Grill. Either way, I’m going to take Katerina out for once—some place with just the two of us.”

“It’s unnecessary,” Grigoriy says.

But Kristiana shakes her head. “I disagree. I think it’s vital.” She smiles. “Go shower and get changed. I’ll find your date.”



At first it was kind of fun watching Gustav master his magic. I remember learning myself, at a much younger age, but no one pushed me. I was allowed to discover what I could do at my own pace.

Part of that was that I’m a girl.

But a lot was that I wasn’t very old.

And even more was because there wasn’t a maniac coming for us when I was being taught.

Watching Grigoriy and Aleksandr attack him in earnest is the opposite of fun. When he breaks his arm the second time, I just can’t do it anymore. I spend more and more time in my horse form, grazing. Or going for jogs—human or horse—and even learning to bake.

Abigail makes amazing cookies, especially her ‘cowboy’ ones.

But by far the most fun I have is when the guys aren’t using the arena and Whitney suggests we practice running the barrel pattern. “I should’ve known something was wrong that day at the fairgrounds.” She’s shaking her head and smiling. “No riders as bad as Daniel improve that fast.”

“He’s not so bad.”

“His heels stay down,” she says. “It’s clear he used to ride pretty well—I’ll give him that. But he was bouncing around on your back like a sack of potatoes. He’s lost his seat.”

I can’t argue with her assessment.

“Does it upset you to be ridden?” I should’ve seen it right away in the twinkle in her eyes.