Page 105 of My Wild Horse King

She slaps my shoulder.

But Gabe’s plan must have gone awry, because the door flings open and Kristiana runs through. “You’re awake.” Her eyes widen when she takes in the fact that Katerina’s sitting next to me on the bed.

“We’re dating,” I say.

Not that we can really date here, in Birch Creek, while we wait for a maniac to discover us and I practice flinging dirt at people.

I brace myself for Katerina to play it off as a joke, but she scoots closer and drops her hand on top of mine with a shy smile that may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. “It’s true.”

Kristiana opens her mouth and closes it again without saying a word.

My sister’s speechless.

I would’ve put money on that not even being possible a day ago.

Itmustbe a first.

“I know it’s not a great time.” I lift my chin. “But that’s why I won’t wait. We have no idea what’s coming, so I should get the one thing that makes me happy.”

“I’m the one thing that makes you happy?” Katerina’s looking up at me like I’m Christmas morning, her eyes bright. Her hand twists so that our fingers entwine.

Kristiana smiles then, and it’s at least as big a shock as Gabe’s wink. “That’s one thing I actually understand, brother.” She backs up and grabs the door handle. “I’ll tell everyone you’ll be out in a few.”

A few. It’s not enough time to do much, but. . .

I wrap both my arms around Katerina and hug her tightly against me. “I—this makes me really happy. I wasn’t exaggerating.”

She shivers, then.

“Are you alright?” I release her enough that I can look down at her face.

She nods, grinning. “Fine.”

“You’re not cold?”

“Sometimes I shiver when I’m happy.” She shrugs. “Always have.”

“I like it.” I run one finger down the side of her face, and she shiversfor me. That makes me beam.

“I like you,” she whispers.

And that makes me smile even more broadly. “So about the other things you like to do?—”

But the door bangs open, this time, without anyone in the doorway. At least, not for a good five seconds. When Grigoriy does appear, he’s not grinning. “I hear you’re twitterpated.”

I frown. “What?”

“Well, too bad. We’ve been bored for days, waiting for you to wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” he says. “And Mirdza’s been on aDisney cartoon kick.” His frown deepens. “But now that you’re awake, we have work to do.” He doesn’t even have the decency to reach over and grab my arm.

No, he literallywhisksme off the bed with phantom wind tendrils, just like he did that very first day in the lobby. Only, this time, I’m not a helpless little kitten. I don’t just flail about as he drags me across the room.

I focus on him and push from my forehead out, just like I’ve been doing when working with earth. Only, nothing happens.

“Was that tiny little puff I barely felt you?” Grigoriy throws his entire head back and bellows. “That was hilarious. Let’s go,Moana.”

“Who’s Moana?” I ask.

I barely see Katerina shrug before I’m floated through the hall and out the front door. I’ve had about enough of Grigoriy’s high-handedness when he drops me on the soft ground of the arena. Or, at least, I thought I had.