And still he hadn’t come running.
Her brows drew together, and she slowed. Logic finally spoke loud enough for her to hear over her anger.You didn’t imagine the bond between you and the sorcerer.
Yes, Mina was good at observation, and every signal indicated that he cared about her, maybe even as much as she did for him. He should have followed her. If he remained behind—in asorceress’s magical castle—instead of pursuing Mina, some other power must be at work.
But logic also said,Unless the enchanter truly played you and is now right at home.
She couldn’t believe that. Her heart still clamored for him alone—because he was hers. Her . . .mate. Would that be the lonely one-way street Enti had described?
Possibly. But Mina wasn’t ready to give up all hope on Adham.
Turning back toward the castle, she increased her pace until she was sprinting through the pounding rain. What could she say this time to convince him to join her? She couldn’t force him to go.
Wait. Yes, she could. She was a Dacian.I’ll take him by swordpoint.If Mina believed the realm was dying, then she couldn’t leave him behind. She ran faster, raindrops pattering her face, blurring her vision.
“Kosmina!” A booming voice carried. “Where are you? MINA!”
“Adham?” He’d come for her! He’d proved himself, risking everything.Or else he’s come to escape the quakes as well.
She mentally waved that away and quickened her steps even more. Down the stony path, she caught sight of him.
He sprinted toward her, looking huge and frenzied.“Mina.”His burnished eyes were wild, his lips parted around breaths. He ran full speed until they were upon each other. When she skidded to a stop before him, his hands shot out to grip her shoulders. “You’re safe.”
“You came!”
He clenched his jaw, as if to hold back the words she could all but see burning in his expression. He finally managed: “We do not part. I never want to separate from you again.”
Better!“But what changed?”
“This: I realized I’d rather die beside you—than survive without you.”
She made some breathless sound that couldn’t decide betweenoh?andah!
“I would have come sooner, but Enti struck. She’s the Queen of Vice. She feeds on it and can force others to surrender to it.”
Mina had sensed Enti’s deception, but she hadn’t thought the sorceress would lie about her very identity! Not daring to breathe, Mina asked, “Did you surrender?”
“No. I fought like hell. They tried to keep me from you. Nothing could.” He looped an arm around her lower back and dragged her against him. Leaning down, he took her lips.
She gasped, her hands flying to his damp chest. His heart pounded furiously beneath her palms, awakening her bloodlust, her sexual lust. When her fangs sharpened, she jerked back before she nicked him. “Be careful. You see my eyes—Iam a danger to you.”
“You must drink me. You asked me to trust you and leave that place. Eventually I did. I need you to trust me in this. At the very least, let my body make you stronger for the trials ahead.”
Was she convinced that this move would cure her? No. But his unwavering certainty kindled a small hope. Yet then she shook her head. “I can’t weaken you. You’ll need your blood just as much.”
He wiped rain from his face. “Pearl sang to me.”
Mina’s eyes widened. “The siren tried to ensnare you?”
Nod. “When I shed Enti’s sorcery, she got Pearl to remove her voice-box modulator. Her notes should have captured me, but I’m immune.”
“A Sorceri power?”
“No. Your hold on me is greater than theirs. When they couldn’t control me, they let me go with their blessing. Enti even gave me a sword.” He waved at the scabbard next to his pouch of sand.
“I don’t understand. A siren can enslave any unmated male.”
His golden eyes were fierce in the rain.