Page 64 of Shadow's Heart

His voice broke her, broke the wave. She toppled over into rapture. Each slippery clench around his finger wrenched another cry from her lungs.“Ahhh . . . ahh . . . Silt!”Her head thrashed against the wall as ecstasy overwhelmed her.

“You’re coming for me so good.” At her sensitive ear, he said, “I feel you. You’ll grip my cock like that, won’t you?”

“Ah! I would,” she breathed, out of her mind. “I’ll take you so deep inside me.”

“Each squeeze drags me further under your spell. That’s it, beautiful.” Once he’d wrung every molecule of bliss from her, he rested his forehead against hers. While he played with her climax, she caught her breath and tried to recover cognition.

A satisfied sigh had just left her lips when his other hand yanked at the opening of his pants. “Wh-what are you doing?”

“What do you think?” His jaw muscles bulged, his lips thinned. “If a dripping-wet vampire needs me deep inside her, then that’s where I want to be.”

Mina’s body tightened at the thought of sex with Silt, his penis entering her as he caressed her face and murmured adoring words. She pictured the two of them making love like the couple in the clearing.

But it wouldn’t be like that. With him, it wouldneverbe like that.

No thanks.

“This is going to be mine.” Silt cupped her, giving a shudder when her orgasm soaked his palm.“Mine.”That word sounded foreign on his lips.

Gold was his. Revenge. But never another person.

No one belonged to him, and he belonged to no one.

He had those thoughts even as he hovered on the edge of coming, even as he wrestled to drag his pants down with one hand. This innocent vampire with her tender kiss had done something to him, making him feel like he’d been hexed with a desire spell.

“Wait.” She tugged his hand away and twisted from him. “I don’t want more.”

“If you’re worried about someone like me getting a babe on you, I have this, remember?” He flashed his cuff.

“That’s not it.”

“Then what? You might not know this, but your immortal body’s just getting started.”

“Wearen’t.” She finally met his gaze, appearing disgusted with herself.

That look sent him right back to thousands of years ago, when females had never wanted anything beyond a fuck. Probably because he’d had nothing more to offer. He’d been just a befouler.

“This was a mistake.”

“Amistake.” He wanted to rage. “Where have I heard that before?” What would it take to find someone who didn’t regretmore with him? For once, he wanted a female in his bed who looked damned happy to be there—with no gold or transaction between them. Roiling inside, he fastened his breeches over his still hard shaft.

“Before you followed me up here, I’d been processing certain facts,” she said. “Any distraction would have appealed at the time.”

“You realized you’re going to die, and so you decided to slum it with the sorcerer?”

“In a moment of weakness, I succumbed to someone I should detest.”

He sneered, “Someone you came hard for.”

“I see what this is. I learned from watching the nymphs that males can attach strings to sex acts. I’m glad I didn’t allow this to go further.”

“Malesattach the strings?”

“Yes. Considering how we’ve both reacted to this touch of pleasure, our joining would be fiery and life-changing. You would never want to let me go, and that, sorcerer, would be a problem.”

The nerve of this leech! “I’ve had somefiery joiningsin my long existence, and never have I attached anything, much less strings.” He was like sand—impossible to pin down, escaping any confines. Yet this arrogant waif thought he would change for her?

A part of him whispered,She’s aroused you like nothing before. Careful.“Over and over, I’ve met your type. Thinking you’re better than I am, but in the end, we’re all just animals looking to scratch an itch.”