In a casual tone, Mina asked the sorceress, “From where do you hail?” as if she’d never struggled to voice a thought. If she found a cure for the plague and removed herself from all danger, would her awkwardness return?
“I was born in the mortal realm ages ago,” Enti said. “Before Nightside, I’ve made my home across all the worlds, as far as the Elserealms.”
“That sounds exciting,” said the sheltered vampire.Previouslysheltered. “I’d like to see the Elserealms one day.”
A pall seemed to settle over those seated near her. So everyone already knew about her malady?Gods above, I’m not rabid yet!
A platter appeared before Silt, breaking the moment. He inhaled its aroma, and his lids went heavy. “Desert-deer venison. My compliments, sorceress. With a power such as yours, I’m surprised books haven’t been written about you.”
“Theyhave, but bookshops don’t abound in Poly, and tales of my exploits haven’t reached that dimension yet.”
A beat of a pause with a micro frown. “News of the Lore is often delayed in exile.”
Mina had been learning how to decipher the sorcerer, and his pause told her much. He was trying to remember something about this sorceress but couldn’t bring it to the surface.
Silt Harea was a fascinating subject of study, especially now that his behavior had changed so much. Despite the tension at the table and the uncertainty of their situation, he exuded . . . steadiness.
Some devilish part of her wanted to provoke him, to watch him unravel again.I want under his skin, she thought, which was a new experience for her. In the past, she’d only wanted to fade into the walls of court, silent and unnoticed.
When he took his first bite of food with a pleased rumble, Mina recalled his groan as he’d thrust between her thighs and squirmed in her seat. Provoking him would earn her another kiss. Was that why the prospect tempted her?
Over the rim of her goblet, Enti said, “Not a lot of Sorceri savor meat, but then you’re unique in many ways. You possess so many talents that few others can lay claim to.”
Was this innuendo? Mina couldn’t tell.
Currents passed between the two Sorceri. He was taking Enti’s measure and seemed unsatisfied by his progress. But he remained calm. “My root power is enviable.”
“In Poly, yes. Yet Xodin informs me that he’s found no sand in this realm.”
Silt smoothly told her, “With a wave of your hand, you could gift me some, and I’d put it in service to you.”
Behind her mask, her gaze shimmered. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
Usually even-tempered herself, Mina felt annoyed with the sorceress. She peered down at her arm, could sense the plague heightening her aggression.
Or perhaps Silt’s focus on another had rekindled Mina’s earlier jealousy. . . .
Small talk flowed as he continued to enjoy his meal while Mina sipped her own and bided her time. Prolonged food courses and vampires didn’t mix. Between leisurely bites, the sorcerer seasoned the conversation with intelligent commentary.
Xodin and Pearl contributed little, hanging on Enti’s every word. Were the three a throuple? Had they each preyed on humans to earn their way here?
As Mina took it all in, awareness grew between her and the sorcerer. Casual touches felt electric between them. His leg would brush hers, eliciting a shiver. A mere bump of their elbows became a crackling connection.
She couldn’t decide if the plague made her feverish or if it washim.
Yet Silt must be feeling the same. More than once, he cast her a look of puzzlement with hooded golden eyes.
Visions of him in that towel replayed in her mind, when his length had swelled for her. What would he have done if she’d reached beneath the cloth to explore, cupping and weighing? Or if she’d knelt before him for a bite . . .
She squirmed again, endeavoring to focus on the conversation. Having gotten a taste of passion, her body wanted more. She wondered if she would get the chance to experience it with someone she cared for before madness took her. What if Enti was right and no escape existed?
Mina thought of all the places she’d never gotten to see, the adventures and family she’d hoped for; she was in a castle of dreams and hers had never been more distant. Sadness swept over her, dousing her arousal.
Seeming to detect the turn in her mood, Silt glanced over at her, gaze searching. If he discovered her thoughts, he’d probably ridicule her predicament and threaten her brother some more, staying in form.
“Princess, you’ve been quiet.” Enti turned her full attention to Mina. “We have other delicacies and treats.”
Mina wanted to treat herself—to the sorcerer’s blood. So how to answer without a lie?I’m satisfied.No.My thirst has beenquenched.Absolutely not. “Thank you, but I’ve had my fill of this blood.”