Page 52 of Shadow's Heart

She gestured to herself from head to toe and mouthed,Me alone.

He liked this facet of her. Who knew saucy lit his wick?

As if she hadn’t just made his cock swell, Kosmina asked, “How do you provision yourself here, Enti?”

“Sorcery works well in this plane. Not enough to leave, but our jail isn’t so bad when I can produce shelter, food, wine, andanything elseone needs for pleasure,” she said, clearly for Silt’s benefit.

She’d discovered his habit and was offering to create dragon’s breath for him. His heart pounded at the thought of a never-ending supply.

With females everywhere and smoke at the ready, this castle varied little from his home. His plans to rebuild his power stores dimmed. . . .

When they reached a grand set of stairs and began to climb, Kosmina kept her head on a swivel, scanning for the next sinister threat.

Though she looked unsure of Enti, Silt didn’t anticipate treachery. And why would Enti try to take out two immortals who posed no harm to her? With this castle’s protections, the only issue facing the Queen of Dreams was boredom.

“Why are you in Nightside, Enti?” he asked.

“I meddled with humans, granting their dreams in return for their worship. I see that you did a variation on that theme as well. Delicious sport, isn’t it?” She turned to Kosmina. “Why are you . . . ? Oh.” Enti’s gaze dropped to her arm. Were those wounds growing angrier? Seeming genuine, the sorceress said, “I’m very sorry about your illness.”

Kosmina canted her head. “And if my dream is to be cured, sorceress?”

“I wish I could help you. But some things are beyond my abilities.”

“I understand.” That stoic acceptance returned, tugging at something inside him. Had she had a brief hope that Enti offered deliverance?

They climbed what felt like endless stairs. This castle appeared even larger from within. Silt perceived sorcery in every flickering lamp, every stone, every inch of the plush carpet lining the stairs.

Kosmina glanced out one of the airy windows. “Is this place . . . real?”

Enti chuckled. “What’s real or unreal? It’s all conjured with a wave of my hand, but it feels real to me.”

When laughter broke out downstairs and a moan sounded from somewhere within these walls, Kosmina said, “With so many immortals here, you must know much about this realm. I’m eager to locate an escape.”

“Unfortunately, there is none.” Before Kosmina could argue, the sorceress paused and raised her hand. “I know you have many questions, and I will answer them all at the feast. But Inever discuss business before pleasure—such as a warm meal—and I’m never late for dinner.”

Though such a force in combat, the vampire hesitated before saying, “I can wait until then.” Was he watching royal socialization at work? He could imagine her princess brain flashing a warning:One mustn’t insult one’s hostess.

They reached a landing and continued onto a new floor. Enti indicated two rooms across from each other. “You’ll find clothes inside, and your baths are prepared. Silt, your room is to the right. Princess, yours is to the left. Unless you two prefer more space between you after your trials?”

He and Kosmina both said,“No,”at the same time.

He wasn’t keen to let his asset out of his sight, and she seemed hell-bent on keeping her target near as well. He reminded himself that neither of them could leave without the castle’s bridge.

Enti said, “I must warn you both: magic will prevent any violence inside my home.”

Appearing put out, the princess eventually nodded.

He did as well.

When an unseen clock chimed, Enti said, “Oh, I must dash! Once you’re ready, follow the sounds down to the banquet hall and bring a large appetite. Until then!” She hastened off, boots clicking.

“You get a reprieve,” Kosmina told him. “Enjoy it.”

“You couldn’t kill me before. You wouldn’t be able to do it here, even if allowed.”

She gave him a smile with curving red lips and a hint of her little fangs. “Soon.” That smile hit him harder than her knee to his balls. She turned from him and headed into her room, saying over her shoulder, “After thousands of years, you’ve finally met your ruination.”

He rubbed his nape.Starting to believe that.