Page 16 of Shadow's Heart

“This mythical place isn’t enough for you?” After Lothaire’s mother had been assassinated—the details of which were vague—this great kingdom had descended into deadly intrigues for the crown. Three millennia later, the remaining Dacian royals had sought out Lothaire to rule and quash those feuds. “To service your greed, you must have my crown as well?”

“No, it isn’t, and yes, I must.”

“Then why keep me alive?”

“I can always murder my foes, but I can’t ever bring them back,” Lothaire said, sounding deceptively reasonable. “And you interest me. You needed an army, so you created one, stalking mortal battlefields to turn dying soldiers into vampires.” That was how Kristoff had earned the moniker of Gravewalker. “I’ve seen less impressive stunts.” The closest Lothaire would ever come to a compliment.

“I assembled an army of vampires, and you assembled one of memories.”

Lothaire inclined his head. Seeking knowledge, he’d drunk everyone from wizards to warriors, storing their experiences. “But you lack a killer’s instinct. Probably just as well, since I could see you turning into a brutal despot like our father. That’s why it’s in my best interest to keep you from Furie, a warrior with a supreme killer instinct. Should you be able to tame her—questionable—she would be your greatest asset. Just as Lizvetta is mine.” Elizabeth, his queen, was a former mortal, turned into a vampire with a wishgiver ring.

Having been raised by humans himself, Kristoff was partial to her. During their first real meeting, she’d clapped him on the back and said, “Hey, you, we’re gonna be fast friends, just you wait. And call me Ellie! Everybody does, except for this chucklehead.” She’d hiked a thumb at Lothaire, who’d appeared charmed.

The kindly new vampire had promised to use all her influence with Lothaire to help him. “Are you implying that youtamedEllie?”

“My spirited queen? Heavens forfend. There’s no taming such a force. Even now we are at odds, and I fear she will wear me down. . . .”

Perhaps Ellie’s efforts were paying off!

“She talks of offspring.”

Disguising his disappointment, Kristoff asked, “Would that be so bad?”

“I am concerned about her safety. She is a newly minted vampire, transformed by unusual means. We simply can’t know what might happen.”

Lothaire was a true enigma. Just when Kristoff deemed him the most selfish narcissist in the Lore, he would reveal a different side to himself.

“And I don’t want to share Lizvetta with some mewling brat. All her attention and focus should be onme. Everyone’s focus should be.”

Kristoff exhaled. No. Just a selfish narcissist. He made another move, which earned him an eye roll from Lothaire.

“Clearlyyour best bet is to sign my new ledger.” Lothaire was infamous for assisting Loreans in dire circumstances—fora price. He coerced them to sign his ledger with a vow to do anything he desired.

“The first thing you’ll demand of me is to relinquish my crown!”

“Yes. Butyourgreed demands you get the crownandthe girl. Alas, your chess ability doesn’t support your aspirations.”

The Horde crown was Kristoff’s birthright. Furie too was his by right. “You expect me to sell my soul to you.”

“I do. And should you ever make this sacrifice for your mate, perhaps I’ll refrain from telling her that I offered to help you months ago, all for a mere signature. How many times has she died and revived since then? Her Fury blood feeds on retribution. Tell me, little brother, each time she resurrects, do you think she dreams of air? Orfire?” Lothaire moved his queen. “Ah, and there’s the scent of blood again.”

“I couldn’t hate you more.”

“Because you know I’m right. As much as it pains me to say this, we are alike in some ways.”

Kristoff sat back in his chair. “We arenothingalike.”

“You’ll see. One day, you’ll see it. Now, back to the game.”

Choking down outrage, he countered Lothaire’s move. A grandfather clock ticked somewhere in the villa as they plied gambits. Out in the kingdom, blood fountains bubbled. A dog barked. A babe woke from slumber with a cry.

Concentrate, Kristoff.He’d stumbled onto a potential play. Was a win to happen at last? They traded more moves. “I will defeat you.”

“Perhaps.” Lothaire repositioned his queen. “But not tonight.Checkmate.”

That word.

Kristoff’s vision swarmed. He’d wondered how long he could go before he attacked Lothaire in a blind rage.Tonight. I made it till now.The call of fate was murder.