“No, Adham, I’m not leaving without you!”
Kristoff shoved them both. “We need him to seal this once we’re through. Just fucking go.”
Lips thinned, Adham followed Mina. Would his control of the sand inside the hive waver?
Kristoff twisted his body to sidle out. Lothaire would be right behind him.
Free at last, Mina scented the night air. They’d emerged onto an expansive shelf of rock overlooking an evergreen forest dotted with snow.
Enti and the others had already disappeared, no doubt teleported away by the demons.
The stars and a waxing moon were out, luminous to Mina’s vision. Her distant dream of visiting a moonlit desert with Adham could come true?—
“Blyad’!”Lothaire yelled when the rift suddenly slammed shut. The rock had snared one of his legs, bringing him down to the ground. To Adham, he said, “Crush the stone holding me. Quickly.”
Kristoff said, “And risk opening this barrier to all those undead? Trace or use your mist.”
Lothaire looked as if he’d attempted to do both. “I can’t when I’ve already been trapped . . .” His words died down, his face like granite.
“What is it, Uncle?” Mina asked.
“On the other side, something seized my leg, clawing it. From the strength of that grip, I’d say the queen ghoul has broken free of the sorcerer’s sand and is merrily infecting me as a lastfuck you.” He yelled back at her, “I have it on good authority that a nasty witch killed your mate recently!” Then he looked at Kristoff. “Take off my leg, and quickly. Or lose Furie forever.”
“I should let you rot from the inside out.” Yet he scouted the clearing for something to sever Lothaire’s leg. “Too bad you don’t have the plague too. Then you could drink the sorcerer and battle the ghoul contagion, as our Mina has apparently done.”
“The Sandman’s even older than I am! All his memories would trip me into full-blown madness for certain. Mina’s got that to look forward to.”
Nothing that right could be wrong.She shared a look with Adham. He’d been spot-on about their instincts; drinking his bloodhadsaved her, just in a way they’d never imagined. “I remain optimistic about our future, Uncle.”
Finding a rock with a sharp edge, Kristoff returned to Lothaire. “This will hurt. You. But I will enjoy it.” He raisedthe rock. “On the count of three. One—” He smashed it down, driving it a foot into the ground, severing Lothaire’s leg.
“Ahhh! You brute!” Blood spurted from Lothaire’s new stump, painting the rift behind him. “Lesson number two thousand and thirty: Learn to count.” Then he yelled at the rock face, “Have the leg for a chew toy. Enjoy it!”
“Up you go.” Kristoff yanked him upright to stand on his remaining foot.
Leaning against him, Lothaire snatched off his belt. Once he’d fashioned a tourniquet to stem the flow of blood, he made a tamping gesture with dripping hands. “Everyone, please, stop with your concern. I’m fine. Please, enough. The contagion didn’t reach my heart or brain.”
Kristoff muttered, “Do you possess either?”
Lothaire ignored him, inspecting his new injury with dawning excitement. “I can’t wait to show this to Lizvetta and garner sympathy. The night ismine.”
Adham turned to Mina. “Are you sure you weren’t scratched?” He checked her neck, relieved to find smooth skin.
She smiled up at him. “I’m good.” She even sensed her mist was returning, like a blood fountain slowly refilling.
“Princess, I’m pleased you’re safe,” Kristoff said.
When she faced the Gravewalker, Adham tensed beside her, delighting Mina. “Thank you so much for breaching the realm to help me.”
Adham grudgingly added, “And thank you for digging me out. I couldn’t have reached her without your help.”
Kristoff inclined his head. “Be worthy of her, Sandman.”
Adham nodded. Then his gaze flicked past her to the rift. “Give me a second.” He hastened over to place a hand on the bloody rock, sensing it. “I think the mountain has settled into its current position for a time, but we’ll need to post guards here tomake sure Nightside’s monsters never emerge.” That egg cavern must be on everyone’s minds.
Paler from blood loss, Lothaire said, “I’ll dispatch a contingent of Dacians. Remain in place and guard it with your sorcery until reinforcements arrive.” He beckoned to Mina. “Come.”