Page 76 of Shadow's Heart

He leaned up on his elbows, gaze inscrutable.

Rushing to fill the silence, she said, “When you fed me blood at the waterfall, the urge to bite you nearly overwhelmed me. Vampires can learn to govern their fangs in time, but considering my affliction . . .” She trailed off, attention back on the flawless globe of that drop. It’d grown. Firelight reflected in the liquid. Transfixed, she murmured,“Life.”

Wicked impulses arose within her. Vampiric impulses. She wanted to steal his blood, his seed, steal into his every waking thought like some nightmare creature.I want to haunt him.

Whatever he saw in her face made him say, “Fuck it all—pierce me.” If anything, his shaft was harder. “You have fangs to tap my flesh. We both want you to do it.”

It’d be like tapping into the very heart of him! “It’s taboo.” Yet how could she possibly resist sinking her fangs into his meaty length?

“Only a matter of time before you draw my blood again.”

Could she handle the influx of his many memories? Anxiety replaced awe; she was already on borrowed time. “I’m losing control, and I don’t want to drink straight from the flesh.”

He gave his head a shake. “Okay, you’re right. It’s not time.”

“Maybe you should go. I’ve dreamed of attacking you, biting you, and the bloodlust makes me stronger?—”

He flipped her onto her back, trading places with her. “I can handle you.” Maneuvering his body over hers, he pinned her wrists above her head. With his other hand, he held his rod above her mouth.

That nick welled crimson—its pendulous drop hanging suspended above her lips. . . .

“Do you want it?” he asked, a challenge in his tone. “I’ll feed you like this.”

“Yes, yes,feed me.” She held her breath as his blood fell.



Contact. The smoldering drop hit her bottom lip; starbursts exploded behind her fluttering lids. “More!” She licked her lip, sucking it. Overcome by his taste, she twisted beneath him to get free.Bite him. Drink him down, down . . .

But he was too strong for her, mastering her body. The sight of his flexing muscles and the feel of his grip only added to the sensory overload.

As he peered at her eyes, his widened.

“What is it?”

“My vampire needs more blood”—he stroked his member, and another drop fell to her lips—“from the fountain of me.”



As his lifeblood coursed through her veins with molten intensity, more magic swirled around them.

“You crave my taste like it’s the finest wine. You always will.” He stared down at her eyes. “I’ve ruined you for all else.”

He had. He had! She writhed beneath him, about to climax again. Magic. Sex. Man. Everything about this sorcerer melded to pleasure her. This infusion of him couldn’t be denied much longer.

He’s in my heart. He’s inside me.She squeezed her thighs and undulated. “Ah, ahh!”

“You’re going again?” He gazed at her frenzied hips. “Lusty piece.”

Once she hovered on the very brink, a stream of blood met her tongue directly. He’d somehow cut his length to drench her mouth. She might as well have kissed his heart. As shedrank him down, rapture tumbled her over the edge, her core contracting with each wave of it.

No logic. Just sensation and starbursts.

His brows furrowed, his body a mass of tension. “You’ve robbed me of control. Can’t fight this any longer.” He aimed his big shaft down, gave his fist a pump. The muscles in his neck and chest went rigid, his arms bulging. “Going to . . .come!” He threw back his head and bellowed as his semen erupted.