Page 58 of Shadow's Heart

Enti inclined her head. “I’ve learned much from you about Dacia, a realm I thought was mythical. And now you’ve got an infamous new king.”

Mina regretted that Enti’s mind reading threatened the secrecy of her people. But then, Lothaire planned to reveal Dacia to the Lore anyway. And really, if all Dacians were so committed to observing without engagement, then how had her brother even met Caspion in the first place?

Silt had stopped eating, seeming very interested in this topic. When the server made another try for his goblet, he covered it again. “For some reason, the princess doesn’t see the Enemy of Old as an enemy. Spoke highly of him.”

Not true; any unwarranted praise would have burned her throat to a crisp.

Enti said, “I see that Lothaire sent you away from the safety of Dacia to observe the nymphs of New Orleans. But I can’t tell if he did it merely as a jest or in a bid to get rid of another royal. What say you, princess?”

Everyone at the table quieted to listen. Mina felt her cheeks heating, her old shyness stammering a hello.No, begone!

Xodin, the handsome demon, cast her a flirtatious grin. “There are no secrets in this castle.” He waved a clawed hand at all the food on the table. “We each pay a toll for this bounty with our confessions.”

When Mina still hesitated, Pearl leaned forward, planting her elbows on the table. “Do a deep dive on her, Enti. Plumb all her depths.” Spoken like a true siren.

Before Enti could learn even more about Dacia, Mina hastily said, “Lothaire sent me away because I . . . I had an unsuitable infatuation.”


“Infatuation?” Silt grated. For someone so unfamiliar with jealousy, he recognized its stranglehold immediately.

Enti’s irises swirled as she read the princess’s mind. “Ah, you call your crush the Ideal. With very good reason.”

TheIdeal? Silt wanted to howl. “Who is he?”

The color in Kosmina’s cheeks deepened even more. “King Kristoff, the legitimate heir to the Horde throne. He is Lothaire’s half brother, but no relation to me, of course.”

Enti said, “I’ve heard of him. The Gravewalker.”

Having accepted his . . . partiality to this female, Silt had never considered her heart might be set on another.

Inane thought:Could’ve pulled out her godsdamned chair, Silt.

Kosmina favored royalty; he was as far from a vampire king as he could be—the son of two Inferi. He’d been born into slavery then betrayed out of the one thing that could have delivered him from those bonds.

“It’s of no matter,” Kosmina said breezily. “Lothaire trundled me off before I could make a fool out of myself.”

She was desperate to escape from Nightside because she needed a cure. Did she also long to return to theIdeal?

With a questioning look, she glanced at his hands, and he was shocked to find himself making fists. Silt didn’t do jealousy. He’d always considered it a sign of insecurity or immaturity.

A wiseman had once told him,the more sand has escaped from the hourglass of life, the clearer we should see through it.But Silt didn’t. Despite his age, he had a young man’s confusions.

Desiring this vampire warred with his honed instincts. She filled him with doubt and made him think ridiculous thoughts.

Was he becoming obsessed with her?

He again commanded himself not to look at Kosmina. Didn’t work this time. His gaze was already on her lovely face.

Obsessed?Hell.He feared that deed was done. And for what? Did the object of his desires want only another? What if the Gravewalker was her fated one . . . ?

The sorcerer beside Mina vibrated with new tension as he pointed out, “You told me a female vampire would simplyknowwho her mate was.”

“Yes, well, I got that one wrong.” And she was obviously still far from the mark because she felt a pull toward Silt that she couldn’t explain—a compelling draw, some kind of tether between them. She had scant experience in a situation like this, but she could swear he felt something deeper for her as well.

“Why do you believe it was only infatuation?” he asked.

“Because Kristoff is destined to another, and I didn’t awaken his heart.”Stop getting sidetracked, Mina.“Enough about my schoolgirl ridiculousness. I’d like to know more about Nightside. Enti, are you the only source of food and civilization?”