He’s on the hunt.
Mina used her mist once more and hastened back to the poker room. The plan was simple: put a sword to Enti’s neck to force her to return Adham’s power as soon as he’d followed her inside.
As she misted through the doorway, the demon poker players were leaving. Why would Enti send them on their way? The sorceress sat alone at the table, tidying it with her powers, and she seemed to be looking right at Mina.
No time to rethink the plan. Mina drew her sword and zoomed behind her?—
“Kosmina Daciano,” Enti murmured, though she couldn’t see her. “I thought I read your mind in the crowd. I sent the demons on their way, so we could chat. I’ve awaited you for so long, wondering if you’d ever show.”
Mina placed her sword above the sorceress’s golden collar. “It’s only been a week since I last saw you.”
“Your time, not mine. After years of vice here, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.” She tapped Mina’s sword blade with an unconcerned nail.Ting, ting, ting. “Are you sure you want to make an enemy of a friend?”
“Friend? Are you jesting?” Curbing her fury, she said, “You know why I’m here. Adham’s about to enter, and when he does you’ll return his power.”
“Or what? You won’t behead an unarmed sorceress. You’regood.” She said the word like an insult. “Well, except for your pesky pride.” Voice vibrating with sorcery, she commanded, “Join us in vice, prideful princess.”
Enti clouded Mina’s mind, embittering her thoughts.Why should I be the one to risk all?Why should I chase after a man who hurt me and my brother so badly . . . ?
Mina shook off the sorcery. “I’m here for love, Enti, the greatest virtue—and my defense against you.” She pressed her sword harder.
“You would never hurt me. You like me, have from the beginning. Princess, I just wanted a home.”
“Then why take his oath-breaking power?”
Shrug. “I was going for the other one, but he had that one locked down.”
“You went for his root power? Enti!”
“For the love of gold, it’s what we do. I knew we’d have to settle here, and sand sorcery would increase our chances of survival until my own abilities recharged.”
“Stealing a power wasn’t enough for you, so you stole his home?” Mina heard a dim buzz from outside the room—the sound of a sandstorm approaching.He’s coming.
“His concubines opened up the place and welcomed me. I started over from scratch here, didn’t even have enough power to build a siren like Pearl the sea she needed to survive.” Sounding bereft, Enti said, “So she and Xodin deserted me when I was at my weakest. I have nothing left but this place.”
Mina’s gaze darted to the door. Her sympathy was getting the best of her, but Adham would be here any second.
“Exactly,” Enti said, reading her mind. “He’s about to stalk in here with a storm raging, and you’ll disappear inside it.”
“Just do as I’ve told you!”
“I’m not returning anything, princess. Being able to break vows comes in handy at times, and I’m not keen to fulfill all the ones I’ve made.”
“You’re leaving me no choice. You think I’m bluffing, but the stakes are life and death. I will do anything to save my mate and my brother, and you know I can’t lie.”
Enti quickly said, “If someone like you takes my head, Silt’s power will leave my dead body to be reincarnated into another Sorceri babe somewhere in time. How will you find it?”
Enti was right. Bettina had warned of that. That buzz grew louder, grains of sand tumbling over the threshold in advance of a storm. They felt cold—pitiless.
Out of time.Think, Mina!“If you return his power, we’ll give you this place, and it’ll be your home from now on.”
Enti feigned a yawn. “Give me the holding I already occupy?”
“You’ll officially own it, and he’ll never come after you.” Mina was almost sure he’d agree. But then, he had built this monumental structure with his own hands. “Don’t get greedy, sorceress. Otherwise I’ll have my uncle’s army of Dacians level this place to the ground. You’ll have to start over again, beginning from scratch once more.”
After a beat of hesitation, she said, “Deal, princess.” When Mina released her and sheathed her sword, Enti threaded her fingers together and cracked her knuckles. “Tonight, we play at virtue!”
Sand flooded in, scouring the doorway to the stone, the sound deafening. Adham entered behind the storm, yanking off his domino. A king in all his glory, he wore sand armor over his muscular physique, and more grains hovered behind him likea cobra’s hood. “Where is she, Enti? Where is Kosmina?” Sand clouded the room, waves of it seemingly searching for her.