Every fiber of my being demanded I go into that kitchen and protect what was mine.
And that's exactly what I did.
"What the hell were you thinking, Teagan?" Hope's father demanded as he stalked around his kitchen like a mad-man. "Have you lost your damn mind?"
That was the tenth time Kyle Carter had asked me that question and this was the tenth time I didn’t bother answering him. I, like everyone else in the room – which consisted of a pale faced Lee Carter and a grinning Derek – knew he wasn’t finished ranting.
Besides, if I told him what I was really thinking – that I was mad as hell that Derek and Jordan had interrupted us – I doubted it would be appreciated.
"Seventeen," Kyle groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "She's seven-fucking-teen, Princess," he growled as he looked at his wife, despair evident in his eyes.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, not knowing what else to say, as I sat at the kitchen table. "I'm eighteen in a few days…"
"See," he hissed. "She's a goddamn baby." He let out a sigh. "They're kids – kids, for Christ's sake." His gaze locked on his wife. "The world is going to shit, baby. Kids…"
"Kids." Derek snorted. "You're a huge fucking hypocrite, dude."
"Don’t you start with me, douchebag," Kyle shot back, nostrils flaring. "Don’t think I didn’t see the way your spawn was luring at my baby in there…"
"Calm down, Kyle," Lee replied in a soft tone as she trotted over to where her husband was turning purple and patted his chest. "Breathe," she coaxed.
Kyle seemed to relax under his wife's gentle coaxing and I silently thanked god that there was someone on this earth who could tame the wild beast.
"What the hell am I supposed to tell your uncle when he gets here?" Kyle asked me. He ran a hand through his thick dark hair before dropping his hands on his hips, towering over me with a look of horror etched on his face.
The kitchen door swung inwards and my entire body froze when Noah stepped inside – thankfully fully dressed in faded jeans and a navy hoodie.
"I thought I told you to go home," Kyle snarled, eyes flaring with anger as he stalked towards Noah.
"And I'm going," Noah replied in a level tone, standing head to head with Hope's dad. Mr. Carter was taller, but only just and when Noah's gaze flickered towards me I felt dizzy. "But she'scoming with me."
My heart summersaulted around in my chest.
She's coming with me…
Noah shot me a meaningful look and I quickly climbed to my feet.
Oh, I was so going with him…
When I reached Noah's side he wrapped his hand around mine and squeezed.
"You know, what, Noah," Kyle said in a disappointed tone of voice, shaking his head, distracting me from reveling in Noah's touch. "I thought more of you, kid, I really did."
Noah's jaw clenched and I had a feeling Kyle's words had hit a nerve. "It's not what you think," he replied stiffly.
"I've been where you are, Noah," Kyle continued. "And this…" He gestured towards me. "Her…in my house…you think it's no big deal, but it is." Kyle shook his head in disgust. "Because she's …"
"She'smy girlfriend," Noah announced, shocking the hell out of me. I squeezed his hand and Noah looked down at me smiling. He met Kyle's stare. "She'smyresponsibility. I'll walk her home."
The front door slammed behind us. "Actually, she's not your responsibility," an achingly familiar voice growled from behind us and I wanted to cry.
Uncle Max stalked into the Carter's kitchen and shook hands briefly with Kyle before turning to glare at and Noah.
"Until the twenty-fifth of this month, when she turns eighteen, she's mine," Max said in a tight tone of voice, eyes locked on Noah. "So keep your grubby little hands off her."