Page 90 of Treacherous

"There's a lot of things I don’t like doing either, mom, but I do themfor you," I shot back tightly as I studied her emotionless expression. "And what I want to talk to you about isn’t something I wanna write in a fucking letter."

My mother's dark eyes flared with resentment. "You grow more like your brother each day," she spat, wrapping her arms around her knees. "That dirty mouth." She scratched at her the back of hands and I noticed her nails weren’t taped up tonight. "I should wash your mouth out with soap."

"I'm eighteen now, Mom, not eight so I'd like to see you try," I replied dryly. "And please don’t start with the brother shit again. It's getting really old."

I didn’t have a brother. I didn’t have sister either for that matter. I was my parent's only child, but when my mother got angry she would always accuse me of being the reincarnation of my phantombrother.

"I don’t want you here," she snarled.

"And I don’t want to clear up yours and dad's mess for the rest of my life," I snapped, chest heaving. "I can't do it anymore, mom," I choked out. "I need out."

"You can't," she screeched, eyes wild with panic. "You have to do this…"

"Look at me," I countered in an even tone. I gestured to my bloodied and bruised face. "Is this the life you want for me…" I paused and forced myself to get a grip before finishing. "I'm gonna die if I don’t get out soon, mom."

Images of Teagan flooded me and I flinched. I didn’t want this life anymore. I wanted a fucking shot at a future like everyone else. I wanted to be able to take that girl to the movies and not fear every second of it… I wanted her to know me, the real me, and I wanted the absolute fucking guarantee that spending time with me wouldn’t put her in danger. I had to get out of this…

"You're just like him," Mom snarled. "He used me for my body – same as you."

Clutching her forehead with her hands, mom began to shake her head rapidly, digging her nails roughly into the skin covering her forehead. "Toxic. Another one of his spawn growing inside of me…tainting me…"

"Mom, stop," I begged as I stood up quickly and moved towards her.

Dropping onto my knees in front of her I gently pried her fingers away from her face. "Please don’t do that," I managed to choke out, the pain of watching her hurt herself as cutting as ever. "Please."

It hurt to see her in this state considering before she'd had me she'd once had a stable life and a good career. But something had happened to my mother, something more than her illness... I blamed my dad for introducing her to drugs, but it was more than that. She was so secretive, so lost… and I couldn’t figure it out…

"The things I've done, Noah," she rambled as I held her hands in mine. Tears streamed from her eyes, trickling down her cheeks and I couldn’t stop myself from pulling her onto my lap. "The things I'm responsible for…because ofhim– because ofyou."

"Shh," I coaxed, wrapping my arms around my mother's frail body. "It's okay. You're safe."

"You can't stop, Noah," she cried. "There's no way out..."

"Kelsie, what are you doing out of bed?" A soothing female voice asked from behind me and my mother froze in my arms.

"Do as you're told," she hissed into my ear. "Don’t let what happened to him happen to me – you let him die…"

My mother's words impaled me and I staggered backwards, landing on my ass. "Mom, that wasn’t my fault," I whispered.

"Come on, sweetie," the nurse coaxed, helping my mother off the couch before turning to me. "You need to leave, Mr. Messina," she ordered as she shuffled my mother towards the door. "Your mother is having a bad day. She had a visitor earlier today and she's been agitated ever since."

I bet.

I needed to leave this place, but I knew in my heart I was as trapped as her… "Okay," I muttered, climbing to my feet. "I'll talk to you soon, Mom," I told her, but it was too late.

My mother was gone.



"Do you ever sleep?" I muttered as I pulled my pillow out from under my head and draped it over my face. "Seriously, Hope, turn it off."

It was three in the morning, we were still awake and I was seriously regretting agreeing to sleep at Hope's house – and regretting introducing Hope to the Irish television showLove/Hate.

I managed to doze off at some stage, but the sound of screaming woke me. When I asked Hope what the hell was happening, she just shrugged and told me her mom had nightmares – which had totally freaked me out.

"Shh," she mumbled, eyes locked on the screen. "One more episode."