Blood was dripping down Noah's face and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and protect him from this crazy fucking world he seemed to have fallen into.
"I'm sure George will beveryinterested to hear about your littlefriendhere," Blue Shirt said with a grin as he leered at me briefly before returning his gaze to Noah. "We'll be seeing you, kid," he chuckled before turning around and walking away with the other men.
"Call the cops," I blurted out the second the men were out of sight.
Swinging around to face him, I looked up at Noah expectantly. "Noah, call the cops now. They can't get away with this." I moved to cup his cheek, but he pushed my hand away, backing away from me.
One of Noah's eyes was practically swollen shut, his cheekbone was flecked with ugly dark bruising, and blood was flowing from the gash above his right eyebrow.
"No cops," was all he said before limping back to his car and opening the passenger door.
I dropped my hand to my side and bit down hard on my lip, desperate to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.
Temper tears, I assured myself.
"Why the hell not?" I managed to choke out. "Noah, those men could've killed you…"
"Just drop it, Teagan," Noah snapped, cutting me off mid-sentence, and I flinched from the coldness in his voice. "The cops can't do a damn thing to help me."
"But you're bleeding," I screamed. "Your face is destroyed." I shook my head in disgust. "Those men just beat the shit out of you, Noah."
When he didn’t reply I kind of lost it.
"Oh my god, there is something very wrong with you," I screamed in frustration. "You're a complete disaster, Noah. Why the hell are you allowing those creeps to get away with attacking you – us?"
Noah's facial expression changed the minute those words passed my lips – a vein his neck throbbed – and he stared at me like I was a stranger.
"You're absolutely right, Teagan," he said, rubbing a hand down his face. He stared hard at me for a moment before laughing humorlessly. "There is somethingvery wrongwith me so why don’t you just fucking walk away before I infect your perfect little existence with my bullshit life."
"Fine," I spat as I folded my arms around myself protectively and turned to walk away from him. "Watch my back as I walk away from your bullshit life."
"Goddammit, you're a thorn in my side," I heard Noah hiss seconds before he bundled me into his car and slammed the door.
"Buckle up," he snapped as he slid into the driver's seat and cranked the engine. Blaring the radio to the maximum volume, Noah tore off without as much as a backwards glance. The Stunning'sBrewing up a stormblasted from the speakers and I fastened my seatbelt and submerged myself in the lyrics.
"… Honey, if the truth hurts don’t look it might go away…"
"…fire in your eyes, in your head, fire in your…touch…"
"…but I can't shout fire because I love you too much…"
"You don’t understand what happened with those men back there, Teagan," Noah muttered after ten minutes of icy silence. "It's not as simple as calling the cops."
"No, I don’t understand," I replied stonily, feeling wounded and pissed off. I clenched my fists against the leather interior and inhaled through my nose. Bad idea since Noah's scent – sex, man and body wash – flooded my senses. "Why don’t you get a real job?"
Noah changed gears and sighed. "I have a record…"
"For being a dick?" I offered dryly.
"Funny," Noah shot back in a flat tone. "Look, I've been in trouble with the law, Teagan. On more than one occasion."
Slowing down to take a corner, Noah dropped his hand to the gear-stick, his fingers accidently brushing against my thigh. I squirmed on the cool leather seat. "Nobody in their right mind would hire me," he added in a melancholic tone.
"I would," I blurted out, turning my face to look at him. Noah glanced sideways at me and frowned. "Hire you that is," I clarified quietly.
"You see what I mean," he said as a reluctant smile spread across his lips. "Nobody in their right mind."
Now I was the one to say, "Funny." Shifting in my seat, I folded my arms and stared at his side profile. "What about Kyle?"