She mewled and groaned as her hands wandered all over my skin and I swear I'd never felt a sweeter touch. The eagerness in the way she moved against me gave me comfort on a level I never knew existed.
"Noah…" she sighed, arching upwards. "Yes…"
Resting my weight on one elbow, I used my other arm to hitch her thigh up. "Are you okay?" I panted against her ear as I plunged into her. I knew I was close to coming – I'd been close since I pushed inside her, but the noises she was making and the way her tight little pussy clamped me made it impossible to hold off any longer.
The elevator floor jerked beneath us, causing Teagan to cry out and me to shudder in pure fucking pleasure as I came hard inside of her. Teagan's body trembled as my orgasm flooded into her and I couldn’t stop myself from claiming her lips with mine.
And then the lights flickered on, I saw her lying underneath me looking into my eyes with such innocent confusion that my heart constricted in my chest. "They must've fixed the elevator," I told her in a voice thick with emotion. She flinched as I slowly pulled out of her.Damn, she was so tight…
I reached for my gym bag and pulled a black shirt out, sliding it over Teagan's head before helping her stand. I dressed myself quickly before grabbing her shorts. Teagan was being abnormally quiet and I was growing concerned. "You okay?" I asked her, holding them out for her to step into.
"I…" She shook my head and held onto my shoulders as she stepped into her shorts. Her hazel eyes were wide and she nibbled on her lip, studying my every move as I pulled her shorts up her thighs.
"I'm not sure," Teagan finally replied in a small voice. Brushing her hair behind her ears she bent down and grabbed her bra and panties and slipped her feet into her sneakers before letting out a whimper.
Her entire frame was shaking and I had no clue of what to do. I wasn’t used to this response. I didn’t get it. Had I hurt her? Fuck, concern churned inside of me.
I went to put my arm around her but Teagan shimmied away from me and stood in the far corner of the elevator with her nose cocked in the air.
"You can't be serious?" I said flatly as I gaped at her. "You're really going to pretend thatnothinghappened between us just now?"
She didn’t answer me.
"Teagan," I snapped as I took a step closer to her.
She shook her head "Don’t touch me."
"Jesus Christ, Teagan," I hissed in frustration as rejection coursed through me. "All I want to do is take …" I stopped talking…I stopped fucking breathing when I noticed the blood smeared on her thighs. I glanced down at myself and bit back a curse. "You were a virgin."
I'd taken her virginity on a goddamn elevator floor…"You were so tight, but I just thought…" I shook my head and stepped closer to her, as a mixture of remorse and delight coursed through me. She'd only been with me... "I didn’t realize…"
"I was not a virgin, Noah," Teagan spat, red-faced. "I was with my last boyfriend for three years. We had…"
"Stop talking," I warned her. "Don’t talk to me about other guys."
Why was she being like this?
Why the hell was she trying to pick a fight with me?
"Sex," she taunted. "He fucked me – a lot. Sorry to burst your little virgin bubble."
"Your blood is on my cock," I said in a flat tone, gesturing to my dick. "And your thighs are smeared with it," I added, furious. "So stop fucking lying about who's been inside you, Teagan, when it's perfectly clear the only person who has had the pleasure of fucking you is me."
Her face paled and I immediately felt like a dick. "Go screw yourself, Noah," she spat.
The doors opened, Teagan rushed past the control guys as I roared, "You already took care of that, Thorn," regretting each poisonous word as it spilled from my lips.
Striding towards the front door of the hotel, I willed myself not to look back at Noah, even though he was calling out my name – at the top of his lungs.
What the hell had possessed me to give Noah Messina my virginity? Oh god, my heart was racing so fast I felt faint, but the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach were much worse. They were huge, demented, Noah-loving butterflies that went bloody berserk whenever I thought of him, which wasconstantly.
"Teagan, will you just stop for one damn minute…"
Oh god. I upped my pace.