The wolf whistles and suggestive comments coming from the men outside the car was drowned out by the sound of my pulse pounding in my ears, and when Noah slipped his tongue into my mouth and massaged my tongue with his, I forgot all about playing along. I crushed my body to his, pressing myself hard against the rising bulge beneath me.
His hands were clamped on my hips possessively as he thrust upwards and I pushed downwards. My body was aching, throbbing for something more, and I had no clue of what was happening.
The taste of him was heady, the feel of him was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Noah was everywhere, dominating me, giving, tormenting, tasting, and taking. I completely submitted to his touch, my body trusting his completely.
As fast as it had started it ended and Noah pulled back, lips swollen and wet.
"She's mine," he said in a deathly calm tone as he dragged my hips forward. "And I don’t share."
The man who Noah had called Gonzalez held his hands up in retreat. "No problem, kid," he chuckled before hacking up a phlegm-ball and spitting it on the gravel. "Bitch is yours."
Everything happened so quickly after that that I kind of lost myself in the mayhem.
Noah and I got out of the car, he kissed me hard on the lips before taking my hand and half-dragging me off in the direction of the bonfire.
I went with him, because, well let's face it, it was either stick with him or take my chances with the fifty other horned up dudes around me and right about now I was all about sticking with the devil I knew.
I stood like the good little doormat I was supposed to be as Noah spoke to a few men around the bonfire. I kept my head down, I didn't speak to a soul and I never once let Noah out of my sight. I had no idea of what was happening – the atmosphere was incredibly frigid – or what Noah was doing with those shady looking men, but for the first time in my life I truly felt pathetic.
Here I was, scantily clad in pajamas and slipper-socks, staying like a dog for a boy whose sister had purposefully made my life a misery since the summer. And to top it all off I was soaked to the skin– courtesy of Mother Nature who had decided to turn into a moody rainy bitch.
When Noah reappeared at my side he gently took my elbow and led me back to the car. "I have something I need to wrap up," he said in a low voice. "Stay here and wait for me."
He opened the car door and waited for me to obediently climb in.
I didn't.
I'd reclaimed my lady balls and wasn't taking his shit.
"What the hell are you involved in?" I demanded. My mind was throwing all kinds of crazy theories about. "What's an eighteen-year-old guy doing hanging around with these kinds of people?"
"Get in the car and wait for me," Noah ordered fiercely. "And keep your goddamn voice down."
"No," I hissed as I held my palm out. It was pouring rain, but I refused to get in that car.
"Either get in with me and take me home right now, or give me my keys and I'll drive myself."
"Teagan," Noah warned. "I'm not asking you."
"I'm not sitting around here, Noah," I spat, glaring up at him. "I'm not staying here a second longer, so you if you're not gonna take me home then give me my goddamn car keys."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Teagan." Noah cursed and kicked the wheel of my car. "You're a fucking thorn in my side."
"That's ironic," I spat, shoving him hard in the chest. "Because you're the biggest prick I've ever met."
"Get. In. The. Car," he seethed, pressing his forehead to mine.
"Go. To. Hell," I shot back, staring up at him defiantly. "I'm out of here."
I really had no idea where I was going when I turned on my heels and marched off in the direction we'd come, but I knew it couldn't be as bad as where I'd been.
"I won't tell you again, Thorn," I heard Noah call after me.
"Fuck you." I flipped him the bird as I stalked down the dirt road. My emotions were everywhere. Why was I behaving like this?
Because of him, that's why.Ugh, because he made my blood boil.
"Argh," I roared and felt a little better.