"Where'd you think you're going, Messina," I heard a deep male voice demand. "You're not finished here. Get your head in the game."
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that?" I heard Noah snarl. "When she's got her fucking ass in my face."
"I don't give two shits how you do it," the man warned. "Just fucking do it. You know better than to bring pussy here."
Moments later a large hand clamped around on my lower hip, holding me still, and another hand grabbed the fabric of my skirt and pulled it downwards – covering me, I realized and I reddened in embarrassment.
"I'm done for the night, JD," Noah stated coldly.
"We'll talk later, Messina."
I didn't catch a glance of the man Noah had called JD because he had already turned around and was walking away.
"Thank you for helping me," I whispered, knowing I owed him my gratitude. He'd saved my butt – big time.
"Don't talk to me," Noah hissed as he lifted me into his arms and carried me over to where the cars were parked. "I mean it, Teagan. I'm so fucking angry right now I could strangle you."
That was not a comforting thought considering my sore ankle would hinder my chances of escaping. I remained silent and rigid in Noah's arms as he walked over to my Honda Civic and dropped me on the hood.
"Who did you come here with?" he demanded, standing between my legs, looking fierce and furious.
"Hope," I replied as I gingerly rubbed my lip with my thumb. "She's looking for Cameron."
Noah's brown eyes widened in surprise before he threw his face up to the sky and muttered a string of curse words.
"So you didn't come here with Cameron?"
"No, I didn't come here with Cameron. The idiot must've…" Noah snapped his mouth shut and glared at me, a look of pure disgust.
"Must've what, Noah?"
"Let's get something straight right now," he hissed, leaning towards me until his face was only inches from mine. "You don't get to question me. In fact, you don't fucking look in my direction again unless I tell you to."
"Fuck you," I shot back heatedly, feeling hurt and angry. "You don't get to tell me what to do."
"Your little stunt cost me a lot tonight, Teagan," he roared. "A lot more than what you already owe me for my fucking car."
Backing away from me, Noah clenched his jaw and balled his hands into fists. He glared at me like I was the most disgusting creature he'd ever seen. "That's a long list of things you owe me for, Thorn. One of these days I'm gonna come looking for payment."
"Teagan? Oh my god, where the hell have you been?" The sight of Hope walking towards us did little to comfort me.
"What happened to you?" Hope demanded when she reached us. I must've looked a mess because she flinched when she studied my mouth. "What the hell did you do to her?" Hope demanded as she swung around and glared at Noah, jabbing her finger in his chest.
"Hope, he didn’t…" I began to say but Noah exploded before I had a chance to explain.
"What didIdo?" Noah roared in outrage before running a hand through his hair. "I just saved her ass from being trampled on." Noah paced around in circles, clearly furious. "Because your girl here can't seem to keep out of my business."
Hope took a step back from him.
I leaned back a little further.
"I lost a shit load of money tonight because ofher," Noah roared. His eyes were black as coal and locked on my face. "She cost me…Just keep her out of my way, Hope," he snarled before stalking back towards the bonfire.
"Are you okay, Teegs?" Hope asked with a sigh as she leaned against the hood and watched Noah walking away from us.
"No," I managed to grind out through clenched teeth. "I'm not."
"I'm sorry," she mumbled as she reached over and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "I shouldn’t have dragged you into this crap."