"Do you want to go home for Valentine's weekend Teegs?" Uncle Max asked me on Wednesday evening, completely out of the blue. We were sitting in the lounge. He was watching a documentary on pregnant elephants and I was attempting some trig homework. When those words came out of his mouth my jaw pretty much hit the warm furry mat I was sprawled over.
"It's December," I reminded him.
Max smirked and gave me an 'obviously' look before saying, "I'm asking you now because I need to arrange some time off work and book our tickets. I'm working all over the Christmas so the best I can do is Valentine's."
Even though the man was curing sick kids and healing the world, I knew I was too selfish to ever think of a career as a doctor. There was no way I could dedicate ninety percent of my time to the job – like Max did.
A trickle of excitement coursed through me and I grinned like a lunatic. "Hell yeah I want to go home for Valentine's weekend." I'd been feeling miserable for weeks because of Martin and this was the best news to drag me out of my funk. "You mean it?" I narrowed my eyes and studied my Uncle's handsome face. "We're going home in February, to Galway?
Max chuckled and nodded. "I mean it," he told me fondly. "But we won't be able to stay more than two or three days," he warned. "Work is hectic and I'll need to come back before…"
"I'll take it," I shouted happily before springing to my feet. "Oh man, I knew there was a reason I loved you, Maximus."
I danced out of the lounge and grabbed my coat off the back of the door. "I need to tell Hope."
"You have ten minutes," Max called out. "You're still grounded."
Okay so Hope wasn’t as excited for me as I'd originally thought.
"You can't be serious," she snapped, cheeks flushed and eyes narrowed. "You're leaving." She folded her arms over her chest and sighed. "I can't believe this crap."
"Don’t be such a princess," I shot back with a chuckle. "It's only for a few days, I'll be back before you know it…"
"You say that now," she grumbled, leaning back in her chair with a huff. "But when you get there and fall in love with being back home it will be a different story."
I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my hot-chocolate. "Well, come with us if you're so worried." Smirking I added, "But I warn you now, there's not much to do there."
Hope's eyes lit up. "Do you think your uncle would mind?"
I shrugged. "Doubt it," I chuckled. "He's fairly easygoing." Sliding my phone out of my jeans pocket I sent Uncle Max a quick text asking if he'd be cool with Hope coming with us.
He text me back a couple of minutes later.
Max: Fine by me if her parents are okay with it. Tickets are booked. Be home in 5. You're still grounded.
I grinned and showed Hope the message.
"This is excellent news," she chirped. "I can't freaking wait."
"You don’t know if your parents will let you go yet," I warned her.
Hope gave me a look that said 'fool, please' before handing my phone back to me.
"I've always wanted to go to Ireland," she sighed dreamily as she rested her chin on her hands. "Uncle Derek's been – so have my parents…"
"Good luck trying to get your daddy on board, Hopey-bear," Hope's grandmother chuckled as she carefully iced some queen cakes at the counter.
"Grandma, please," Hope scoffed as she smiled lovingly at the short, white-haired woman. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime." Frowning she added, "Dad won't ruin this for me."
Grandma Tracy wiped her flour encrusted hands on her little pink apron and sighed. "You four are seventeen and eighteen years old, and your daddy still has me come over and watch you guys when he and your momma go out of town."
I gaped at my friend. "Your grandmother isbabysittingyou guys?"
Hope flushed and I burst out laughing.
I shook my head and tried to stop grinning. "You're eighteen."