Page 37 of Treacherous

"You're half-naked," I told him and my voice sounded oddly accusatory. "And your eyes are gray."

"To be fair I was in the shower when you started banging on my door," Logan replied dryly as he shrugged the t-shirt I hadn't realized he was holding over his head. "And I really don’t know what to tell you about the whole eye color thing," he added softly. "I guess you can blame my mom?"

"Sorry," I replied lamely. "I'm not a fan of the dark – it makes me jittery."

"That's all right," Logan replied calmly as he gestured me to follow him. "Everyone's afraid of something."

"Is Hope here?" I followed him into their kitchen, glancing around nervously.

"Nope," Logan mumbled as he rummaged in the fridge and handed me a can of coke. "She went to the hotel for dinner with Cam and Colt."

"Thanks." I took the coke from Logan and followed him back through the hallway towards the lounge. I knew we were heading into the lounge because the outlay of this house was exactly the same as my house. "Do you think she'll be much longer?" I asked as I stepped through the doorway, freezing to the spot when my eyes landed on…

"What areyoudoing here?" I demanded at the same time as him.

"First, you're in my street," Noah growled, dropping the Xbox controller he was holding on the coffee table before climbing to his feet and stalking towards me. He folded his arms across his chest as he glowered down at my face.

The black wife-beater he wore was sewn to his ribbed chest, and he looked entirely too sexy in the gray sweatpants that were hanging low on his hips.I could see his man V – his very sexy man V..."Then you're in my school, and now you're in my fucking friend's house."

The muscles in Noah's tattooed covered biceps rippled as he glared at me. "Are you intentionally trying to get under my skin, Teagan?"

"Sorry for breathing, asshole," I snapped, feeling wounded by his words, but unwilling to let him know that. "But you don't own the whole damn world, Noah. It's a free country."

"Where's my money?" Noah demanded, getting in my personal space. He had a nasty red scratch on his cheek – because of me – and I momentarily felt a smidgen of remorse until his words registered with me.

"The same place it was earlier," I snarled as I reached up and flicked his forehead. "In your imagination."

Logan, oblivious to the blistering tension between me and Noah, strolled over to the couch and picked up an Xbox controller, before taking a seat. "You're both welcome in this house," he stated calmly. "So play nice, children."

I narrowed my eyes at baby Carter. "I wouldn't play with him if the whole of mankind depended on it."

Noah laughed darkly. "No, because you prefer to play with paint, don't you?" He smirked. "I gotta tell you, Thorn, you're a fucking terrible artist."

"Maybe I should try using a different canvas, ass-muncher," I shot back through clenched teeth. "Your face, perhaps?"

"Try it," Noah hissed stepping so close to me our shoes touched. "I dare you."

Of course I went one step closer and pressed my chest to his. "You're not worth the price of the paint."

"Goddammit," Logan muttered before pausing the game he'd been playing. "What the hell is with you two?"

"He broke my guitar," I spat.

"No. No, Ididn’t," Noah roared.

"And he slashed my tires," I hissed.

Noah's face turned purple. "Jesus Christ, how many times…" Noah cursed and ran a hand roughly through his hair. "I didn’t slash your fucking tires."

"All right, I really don’t care," Logan grumbled as he got up and stalked into the hallway. "Take your domestic to your own side of the street," he added as he glared at the big ape next to me. "Now, Noah."

Nodding stiffly, Noah made a low rumbling noise in his throat before grabbing my elbow and pulling me out of the Carter's house.

"Get off me," I spat as I tried to free myself from his grasp. Noah wasn't hurting me, but he wasn't being gentle either. And I was burning mad. He seemed to bring the worst out of me…

"You're not happy with ruining my car," Noah snarled as he dragged me down the driveway, releasing me roughly when we reached the road. "You wanna ruin the one fucking friendship I have that's worth a damn."

"Awh," I mocked as rubbed my arm, spitting daggers at the guy in front of me as I walked backwards in the direction of my house. "Poor big, bad Noah, should I get my violin out while you cry me a river?"