And why the hell had I enjoyed it…
My last class before break was dismissed early so I bought my lunch and sat at our usual table and waited for Hope and Ash to join me. The cafeteria filled quickly – and noisily – and I played with my apple while I waited for the girls, rolling it between my hands absentmindedly.
I found myself looking up when the chattering around me seemed to die away. Countless pairs of eyes were watching me…whispering and pointing at where I was sitting.
It didn’t take a genius to guess someone was standing behind me, but I didn’t bother turning. Instead I continued rolling my apple around aimlessly, purposefully ignoring the hushed whispers and stares.
Someone cleared their throat behind me and then I felt an electric surge penetrate my shoulder when that someone touched my shoulder.
Leaning over my shoulder so close I could feel his stomach against my back, he whispered in my ear, "Teagan, can I have a word outside?"
Noah's fingers lingered on my bare shoulder and I jerked away, the feel of his skin on mine too personal, before forcing myself to turn and face him. "There's nothing to talk about, Noah," I told him stiffly. "I shouldn’t have kicked you. I know that. Move on."
Noah exhaled impatiently and his minty breath blew into my face. "Just come outside, will you?" he snapped before running his hand through his hair. "I need to show you something – explain something."
I wasn’t going anywhere with him.
God only knew what trick he had up his sleeve. I had wrecked his car, his iPad, and his prospects of fatherhood. The guy was out to get me.
I could see Hope watching me from the cafeteria line, along with the rest of the room and I didn't want to make a scene. "Not a chance," I replied slowly. "So go away and leave me alone."
"Fine," Noah spat before straightening up to his full height. "Fucking suit yourself." With that he spun around and stalked out of the cafeteria.
"Hey, Teagan, how's it going?" Jason Graham, an arrogant blonde douche from my English class said seconds before sliding into the chair opposite me.
I didn’t like this guy.
There was something incredibly off about him. Of course my immediate dislike for him may have stemmed from the fact that I'd spent a huge chunk of the summer having to endure watching him suck Ellie's face off. He was all up in Ellie Dennis's space, which made him no friend of mine.
"What were you and Messina talking about?"
I stared back at him and gave him my best why-are-you-talking-to-me-we're-not-friends look.
"Looked pretty intense?" Jason added, clearly not getting my drift.
"It was," I responded dryly. "We were trying to decide which position to have sex in tonight."
"You and Messina were talking about sex?" Jason's eyes widened and I rolled my eyes at his sheer stupidity. "Are you…" his voice trailed off and he looked around the room before looking back at me. "Are you serious?"
"Uh-huh," I added sarcastically. "Noah says I won't get pregnant if we have sex standing up. I told him that wasn’t true. What do you think?"
"I think you're too good for him and every other douche in this school," Colton Carter added with a chuckle as he slid into the seat beside me before winking devilishly, his blue eyes dancing with mischief. "Hey beautiful."
"Hey Colt," I said in an amused tone. I'd quickly learned in the short time I'd been in Colorado that Hope's brother was an incorrigible flirt.
For a junior in high school, Colton had an impressive way with the ladies. Along with the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous – as were his brothers – Colton had a way of making you feel like you were the only girl in his world. Thankfully I could see through his charm thus making me immune to such lethal personality traits.
"Back off, Colt," Hope added, shooting her brother a warning look as she and her brother Cameron joined us.
"Jason Graham," Cam sneered as he flashed Jason a dangerous looking smile. "What the fuck do you want?"
I snickered and Jason's face paled.
Hope smiled sweetly at Jason's red face. "Seriously," she said with a grin. "What do you want?"
"I was talking to Teagan," Jason, clearly finding his balls, growled, glaring at the Carter siblings.
"Yeah," Colt chuckled nudging my arm. "About Messina's dick."