Page 108 of Treacherous


Max and I still weren’t speaking on speaking terms – not a single word to each other in weeks – so when I spotted his plane-ticket in the trash this evening I wasn’t one bit surprised.

I'd assumed a family trip home for Valentine's weekend wasn’t on the cards considering the man was having a hard time looking at me these days. I still had my ticket, though, and with a little luck I would be on that plane Saturday morning.

I hadn’t spoken to Noah about it. He didn’t even know I was planning on taking a trip home this weekend. I only hoped that when I did speak to him about it, he would be as enthusiastic as I was…

"He plays the gickar, too," Hope snickered, stirring me from my reverie. We were sitting in her lounge. Hope was sprawled out on her couch and her boyfriend, Jordan, was sitting on the floor beside her, and drooling all over my guitar.

"Come on, hot shot," she giggled, nudging Jordan's shoulder with her foot. "Show us what you've got."

I rose my brow in amusement as I watched the playful couple from my perch on the armchair opposite them. "Gickar?"

Jordan caught her foot and dragged her off the couch, setting her on his lap. "It's a private joke," Jordan chuckled, not taking his eyes off Hope's face. "Isn't that right,keychain?"

"How long have you guys known each other?" I asked, unable to stop the smile that was stretching my gums at the sight of Hope's beaming smile as she gazed lovingly at Jordan. This was my first real time spending time with Hope's beau and already I was completely won over. He was great.

"I was one," Hope teased as she tried to defend herself from Jordan's tickling fingers. "He was four."

"She dropped her keys at my feet," he added with a smirk.

"And he's been fetching them ever since," Hope giggled.

"Is that so?" Jordan purred, wrestling Hope onto her back.

I watched in extreme discomfort as Hope dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out her car keys.

"That's right," she crooned before stuffing the keys down her top. "Fetch…"

"And I'm out of here," I squealed. Leaping to my feet, I covered my eyes with my hand and made a beeline for the door.

I guess she didn’t need my help after all…



Dammit, I was living in perpetual hell.

It seemed all of my previous wrongdoings and indiscretions had decided to clamor together and torment me just for the fun of it. Fucked up thing was they had seemed to morph into my girlfriend.

"You're not going to the quarry, Teagan. Get it out of your head."

I was sprawled on top of her bed not even pretendingnotto watch her change. She was too tempting and apparently I had zero willpower when it came to her. I was seriously regretting telling her about the fight on Friday – especially now that she was demanding she go with me. Jesus, I was stupid to even entertain the notion that Teagan might be capable of doing what she was told. Thankfully I hadn’t let on what a big deal it was…

"Well you're not going without me, Rocky Balboa," she shot back sarcastically as she shrugged out of the tight denim jeans she was wearing.

"I'm Rocky?" I cocked a brow. "We're not in a movie, baby, this is real life."

The thought of her in the quarry again caused every muscle inside of my body to coil tight with tension. Teagan being within touching distance of all those scumbags – and if I didn’t win...

It wasn’t happening.

No fucking way.

I couldn’t risk it. I couldn’t risk her…

"Well how's this for a plot twist; you can either take me with you or I'll drive myself there." Teagan tossed her jeans at me before continuing to prance around her bedroom in a bra and thing. "It's your choice." The girl was made of steel. She was breaking all the rules having me in her bedroom and she was breaking every piece of my self-control by arguing me.