Noah's entire frame stiffened and I think I shriveled a little inside.
"Everyone go back to bed," Mr. Carter ordered as he stood in the doorway, his angry blue eyes locked on Noah. "Now."
Everyone, including Derek scampered out of the room like chastised rascals.
"This isn’t as bad as it looks, Mr. Carter," I muttered, red-faced.
"You." He glared at Noah. "Get off that girl and get your ass on the other side of this room."
"And you," he snapped, pointing at me. "Get your clothes on and your explanation ready. I'm calling your uncle."
"Kyle, you need to …" Noah began to say but Kyle stopped him.
"Kitchen, Teagan," Mr. Carter snapped as he turned around and stalked out the door. "One minute."
Chapter 19
"You're a glutton for punishment, dude," Colt told me from where I was currently sitting on the couch between him and Logan. Hope and Jordan were sitting on the armchair opposite us and Cam was pacing the floor with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Apparently I am," I grumbled as I tried to sit still and not fidget.
Teagan had been marched into the kitchen about fifteen minutes ago by a pissed looking Kyle and I was growing anxious as hell. Shit, I was two seconds away from stalking into that kitchen and the only thing that was holding me back was the fact that I had a hell of a lot of respect for Kyle.
The disappointment in his eyes when he caught me on the couch with Teagan was something I wouldn’t forget easily. But if I left now I'd be proving I deserved that look. Ididn’tdeserve that look even though Teagan deserved a hell of a lot better than me…
"Dad told you to go home," Colt added in an amused tone. "He's gonna hit the roof when he realizes you're still here."
"I would take the get out of jail card if I were you, man," Cam offered, stopping to adjust the star on the top of their Christmas tree before resuming his pacing. "There's nothing fucking chivalrous about waiting around to take an ass-kicking from an overprotective parent."
"Like you'd know anything about chivalry," Low snorted.
"Actually I would," Cam snapped, glaring at Logan. "Have you forgotten about the time Danny Valentine caught me in Amy's bedroom?" Cam shuddered and cast an evil glare in Jordan's direction. "Thanks to that douchebag my face got up close and personal with a part of the toilet that my ass knows on an intimate level."
"Sorry," Jordan said with a smirk. "My uncle's a little…"
"Insane," Cam spat. "I believe the word you're leaning towards is insane, Jord."
"What's going on with you and Teagan?" Hope asked in a level tone, her blue eyes locked on my face. "If she's just another girl you're planning on messing around or using for sex…"
"She's notjustanother girl," I told her, meeting her stare head on and meaning every word that was coming out of my mouth. "She means…more than that."
"What the hell are you talking about, you big vagina?" Cam shook his head and gaped at me like I'd spoken a foreign language. "She meansmorethan that…" He glared down at me with a look of disgust. "Don't fucking tell me that girl managed to sink you, Messina? What the hell has Galway girl got underneath that nightdress – a golden pus…"
"If you wanna keep your mobility I suggest you shut your mouth and not talk about her like that," I snarled heatedly. "Ever."
"Oh dude, he's completely pussy-whipped," Colt laughed and made a sound of a whip cracking.
"Colton," I warned.
"You guys are so immature," Hope snorted. "Seriously..."
The sound of Kyle's raised voice caused me to jump to my feet.
That was it. I couldn’t sit here a fucking second longer without her.