She was going to cry.
She was going to cry and I was going to kick myself in the balls for being the cause of those tears and for putting her in danger. Because she was in danger. And I was in danger of losing my goddamn mind if those hazel eyes welled up any more.
The image of Teagan sitting beside me in her drenched pajamas with her tiny sock covered feet planted firmly on the dashboard was almost too much. She sniffled and I thought I might lose it.
I dared a peek at her and could have fucking groaned when I saw how unbelievably vulnerable she looked. She hugged her knees as she stared straight ahead, her hazel eyes wide and fearful. Her blonde hair was soaking wet and draped around her shoulders like a golden curtain. When she started to shiver I felt like someone had physically sucker punched me in the gut.
I’d fucked up.
How had I ever thought it would be easy to borrow her car?
Nothing was easy when it came to her.
Jesus Christ…
I was back at the Ring of Fire.
The huge walls of the quarry loomed above us as Noah drove further inside. It seemed different to the last time – quieter. There were maybe fifty or so people scattered around one lone bonfire.
Killing the engine of my car, Noah unbuckled his belt and sat quietly for a moment before turning to face me. "Don't talk to anyone out there," he said in a serious tone. "Keep your head down anddo notleave my side, do you understand?"
"Noah, I'm sorry for wrecking your car, and for kicking you in the balls," I blurted out as I clutched the seat nervously and eyed a huge, beefy man in a wife-beater walking towards our car.My god, it was the month of December. Did he not feel the cold?"And for biting you and ruining your fight, but can we just…can you please take me home?" I could feel my body trembling. "Please don't make me get out of this car."
The brown in Noah's eyes noticeably softened. "Teagan," he said gently. "It's alright…"
"Seriously," I rambled on nervously, digging my nails into the fabric of my seat. "We need to get out of here, Noah. This place is…" I looked around and exhaled a sharp breath. "Treacherous."
Memories of being stamped on flooded me and I grimaced. "We shouldn’t be here, Noah."
The sound of Noah's name being called came moments before my car door was opened and I was staring into the face of a dark bearded man with arms the size of tree-trunks.
"You brought me a present, Messina?" he asked as his eyes dropped to my bare legs. "Fresh." He smiled, revealing a mouthful of yellow-stained teeth. "And ripe."
"You couldn't handle her, Gonzalez," Noah replied, his tone a lazy drawl as he unbuckled my belt and dragged me onto his lap.
I went willingly, anything to get away from the creepy bearded guy with the greasy black hair and paunchy beer gut. "W-what are you doing…?"
Noah's hands were surprisingly gentle as he clenched my hips and touched his mouth to my throat. "Play along," he whispered, low enough so that I was the only one who could hear him. His lips touched the skin covering my pulse. "And I'll keep you safe."
I nodded, terrified, and clumsily wrapped my arms around Noah's neck.
Pulling back, Noah looked at me almost apologetically. "Don’t bite this time," he warned me in a gruff tone before covering my mouth with his
What the…
And then he was kissing me.
His lips were surprisingly tender against mine, guiding me deeper, taking me further…