Goddammit to hell.
My pulse was racing, heart hammering in my chest, adrenalin shooting through my veins.
What the fuck was the matter with me?
I couldn’t see straight.
My feelings for her were clouding my survival instincts.
I'd made mistakes.
I'd left a trail.
God fucking dammit!
The smell of blood was thick and blanketing us both.
What the fuck did I do now?
She needed to get out of here.
Keep her safe,was my only thought.
She needed a doctor.
She needed…something I couldn’t give to her.
Which was exactly why I had to turn myself in.
"Wait – don’t leave me," she cried out when I stepped out of her embrace.
Unable to look her in the eyes, I shoved my hand into my jeans pocket and grabbed my phone.
Taking myself away from her would be the hardest thing I'd ever do, but this wasn’t about me. This was about Hope.
I had no fucking clue how to handle this.
She was a woman.
What had happened to her?
She needed to beheard.
I wasn’t selfish enough to protect myself by forcing her silence.
Hell fucking no…
"Hunter, please!" she cried out, tone laced with desperation. "Don’t leave me."
"I'm not going anywhere," I forced myself to say in as soothing tone I could muster, even though I was lying through my teeth. "I just need to make a call."
"Who are you calling?"