"I'm not leaving you," I croaked out for the millionth time, feeling hoarse and sounding raspy. My throat was so sore it felt like razors had set up camp inside of my mouth.
Every time I swallowed, I could taste the tinge of blood mixed with my saliva as it trickled to the back of my throat.
The bleeding on my face had stemmed, but I knew that if I moved around too much, it would start right back up again.
To be honest, I had no clue how there was any blood left in my body.
The only thing I was certain of was that I needed stitches.
I just wasn’t prepared to leave Hunter.
I didn’t want to be apart from him.
Not for one second.
I needed to stay right here with this man.
I was sure he was the only one that could keep me safe.
And I wasterrifiedthat if I left him alone he would turn himself in.
The fear of him turning himself in for this scared me far more than the body and the blood and the secrets.
Chapter Six
When my uncle walked into the kitchen fifteen minutes later, it all became too real for me. His gaze landed on the blanket covered body on the floor and his brows shot up in surprise. "Well shit," Noah muttered, not batting an eyelid as he rubbed his jaw.
See, there was something very wrong with the friends I kept company with. This should have provoked a deeper response than a mild spoken'well shit'.
Noah looked to Hunter, giving him a quick once over before settling his attention on me. He walked over to where I was sitting and exhaled a heavy sigh, and that's when I saw it; the shock and pity flashing in his brown eyes as he took in the sight of my face.
Of what I looked like now.
That's when it became obvious to me that my life had changed irrevocably.
I was disgusting.
Crouching down in front of me, Noah used one hand to gently tip my chin upwards. "Well hell," he muttered, inspecting my face with perceptive eyes. "It's almost identical to her mother's," he added, eyes locked on my face, but clearly talking to Hunter. Releasing my face, he stood up and said, "Luck, man, that needs surgery."
Those words caused Hunter to lose all of the control he had built up. Instantly, it was gone and he was back to smoking and cussing and kicking the corpse every time he walked by.
"I'm not going to the hospital," I bit out vehemently. "I'm not leavinghim."
Noah's brows raised in surprise, but he didn’t question my motives. I had a feeling he already knew. "Then you need stitches, a tetanus shot, and some strong-ass antibiotics," he stated calmly. "Because that –" he pointed to my cheek, "is gonna get infected and fast."
"Did you hear me?" I hissed. "I said I'mnotleaving him."
"Shit," Noah grumbled, running his hand through his dark hair. "Mother fucking shit."
"Yeah," Hunter deadpanned. "Shit."
"What the hell is it with us and stubborn fucking women?" He turned to look at me and said, "Luck's a big boy, Hope. He can take care of himself –"
"He was going to go to thecops, Noah!" I snarled, interrupting him. My revelation caused Noah's eyes to widen. "Yeah," I added, taking comfort in the blatant look of disapproval spreading across my uncle's face. "He was going to hand himself in."