February 14th2017
Lucky:You good, HC?
Hope:A little rattled after what happened last night, but yeah, I'm good.
Lucky:See. Strongest woman I know.
Hope:Ha. Funny.
Lucky:Only a call away if you need me, sweetheart.
Hope:Don’t worry. I have your number on speed dial.
Lucky:That's my girl.
March 5th2017
Lucky:Your breasts were fucking delicious last week, HC. I can still taste your thighs on my tongue.
Hope:Well I hope you enjoyed my breasts and thighs, asshole, because that's the last meal I will ever cook for you!
Lucky:Fine. I'll cook for you next time. I'll let you sample my sausage. Le Cock De Lucky. In English, that translates to Lucky's Cock. You'll need to work up an appetite though. I've been told it's bigger than most.
March 5th2017
Hope:Because I'm married and flirting with me is inappropriate. And especially considering what happened between us on Halloween.
Lucky:Admit it. You still want me.
Lucky:You're thinking about it now, aren’t you? What you ran out on that night. It's driving you insane.
March 20th2017
Hope:I really need my friend tonight.
Hope:I'm lonely Hunter.
Lucky:Want me to come and break you out of the tower of doom, Cinderella?
April 9th2017
Hope:I'm sorry. I was drunk. Call me.
Hope:Please don’t tell anyone I did that.
Hope:I need to talk to you.
Hope:I'm at the front door. Let me in.
April 15th2017
Lucky:Where you at, HC?
Lucky:You okay?
Lucky:Call me and check in, HC.
Lucky:I'm getting worried. I don’t like it. Call me.