At night, I cried myself to sleep, and in my dreams, he visited me, keeping me safe in my subconscious, giving me the strength I would need to open my eyes and face another day on this earth without him in it.
Fragile and broken, that's how I described myself now.
The lyrics of my favorite songs held my deepest secrets now, and in playing those songs aloud, I confessed my sins to the world.
Like a priest with a collar and duty, the music would never betray me.
In the playlists of my heart, I allowed my pain to bleed freely, exposing myself for the true imperfect human I was.
With every chord and word and note that filled my ears, my soul wascleansed.
I played Fleurie'sHurts Like Hellon repeat for weeks, drowning in the lyrics.
I allowed myself to smother in my pain, feeling her words on a deeper level as I floated further into my depression.
I didn’t want to talk abouthimbecause they couldn’t possibly understand.
None of them.
I was alone in my grief. Just as it should be. I would never move on from him.
And this?
Having my soul spliced in half was my penance for the pain I had caused him.
He had died loving me.
And I would live on lovingonlyhim.
The child growing in my womb was the only thing keeping me here now.
The only thing that meant anything to me.
I would go on.
I would see this through.
I would put one foot in front of the other.
And I would do it forourchild.
For the life we had createdtogether.
I was carrying his legacy inside me, and this time, I would not fail him.
Our child would grow up knowing what an incredible, selfless, wonderful man his father was.
I would make sure of it.
Chapter Sixty
When I woke this morning, my eyes were full of tears.
Even in my sleep I was crying.