I hadn't left the apartment.
I didn’t want to.
Noah was waiting until I was ready before we scattered his ashes.
I would never be ready.
My family called every day.
I didn’t answer the phone.
They knocked on my door.
I kept it locked.
I wanted to be alone.
I never thought about losing him.
In my eyes, he had been invincible.
I never thought it could ever happen and now that it had, I had no clue of how to cope.
How to manage the pain.
It was indescribable.
Dead inside.
It was the only way I could describe how I was feeling.
Loving him and losing him was too much for me.
Making me feel this way, it was fucking punishment for my bad choices.
For the terrible things I had done.
For the pain I had caused the people around me.
If I could take it all back I would, just so he could live.
So he could be on this earth.
I didn’t know how I was going to last a lifetime without him in it.
It killed me to even think about it.
Locking myself away was the only way I could cope.
Knowing I had a part of him growing inside of me was the only reason I was still breathing.