I smiled and shook my head.
She was so fucking adorable.
And she wasmine.
Fuck me, I must have done something epically right in a previous life to be given a woman like her.
"And Tillie?" she continued to say. "She's doing okay? Oh, thank god…Uh-huh, yeah, sure. Of course I will…Okay, Cam. I love you, too."
I waited for her to end the call before asking, "Well?"
Hope beamed at me. "I have a nephew!"
I grinned. "Congratulations, sweetheart."
"Seven pounds six ounces, and healthy as a horse," she added with an almost dreamy expression. "Liam Grayson Carter."
Tightening the towel I had wrapped around my waist, I walked over to where she was sitting and pulled her in for a hug.
She looked like she needed one.
She was shaking and smiling and her emotions were obviously all over the place.
"He's a father, Hunter," she whispered, squeezing me back. "Cam is a daddy."
I couldn’t believe it, either.
I'd known Cam for a few years now, and the thought of him having a baby to take care of was fucking crazy.
He'd do a good job, though.
He had a good role model growing up.
Me, on the other hand?
Not so much.
I figured if I did the exact opposite of what my father had done, I wouldn’t screw the baby up too badly.
"I mean, obviously, I knew she was going to have a baby, but now that he's actually here?" Hope shook her head and laughed. "I'm in shock." Smiling up at me, she blurted out, "I need to go shopping. I am going to spoil the hell out of that little guy."
Her phone pinged then, causing Hope to squeal in delight and lunge for her cell. "Oh my god," she cooed, staring at the screen like she had just seen a miracle unfold. "Cam sent a photo." She bounced up and down on her feet in excitement as she cooed and awed at her phone. "He's got hair, Hunter, look."
The kid was gorgeous.
"Look at those eyes," Hope squeaked in delight. "And that little button nose." She sighed dreamily again. "He looks just like the boys when they were babies."
I wasn’t sure which one of the boys Hope was referring to.
They all looked pretty damn identical to me.
"Everything is happening so fast," she whispered, biting down on her bottom lip. "Cam's a father. Teagan's almost due. I'm thirteen weeks pregnant, and the wedding's tomorrow." Hope shook her head and blew out a breath. "How the hell is it wedding time already?"
This woman needed to calm down.