Page 134 of Altered

Frozen in the doorway, I looked back at him. "What's not yours?"

"I had a successful vasectomy last year," he croaked out hoarsely. "The baby has to be yours."

Completely fucking reeling, I closed the door again, and walked back to his bed. "She'spregnant?" I hissed, glaring down at him.

"It's not mine," he stated, drawing me back from the brink of a personal fucking meltdown. "I had a vasect–"

"You already said that," I snarled, needing him to shut the fuck up for a minute so I could figure this out.

Hope was pregnant?

She was having a baby?

And this prick knew about it?

Running a hand through my hair, I looked down at him and asked, "Why?"

He frowned. "Why?"

The elation inside growing inside of me at the thought of Hope being pregnant was threatened by the chance of this fucker lying to me.

"The vasectomy," I bit out, gaging his face for the hint of a lie. "Why'd you get it done?"

"Look at me," he shot back flatly. "Do you think I want to be responsible for bringing a child into the world when it would have a father like me?" He released a ragged breath, then added, "I got it done when I woke up after yet another slip up, and realized that I had no idea what I was doing when I was high."

"Thought you were clean longer than eighteen months," I shot back, unyielding. "Or are you just lying through your goddamn teeth again?"

"Heroin," he whispered, flinching. "Iwasclean fromHeroinfor six years –" Pausing, he exhaled shakily. "But alcohol? I never seem to get beyond the six-month mark before falling back off again… and when I'm wasted and desperate? I'm not in control." He shook his head. "All I want is H and booze, and believe me when I tell you that there isnolevel I haven't stooped to in order to get them – which is exactly why Ihadto get it done."

Well shit…

If he was lying to me, he could forget about mercy.

And fuck turning the other cheek.

If he was lying to me, I was going to gut the bastard like a fish.

"I'm not lying," he stated flatly, obviously reading my thoughts. "I'msterile. The kid's yours. Congratu-fucking-lations."



When I opened my eyes the following morning, I found Hunter sitting at the edge of the bed, fully dressed, and staring down at me.

"Morning," he said, blue eyes burning with heat. He trailed his thumb down my cheek, then leaned in and kissed me deeply.

"What's that for?" I whispered, blinking up at him.

"I know, Hope," he said. "I know you're pregnant, sweetheart."

My heart stopped beating in my chest.


Was I talking in my sleep again?

Oh god…