My final thought before I drifted off to sleep in his arms was tomorrow…
Tomorrow, I will tell him about the baby.
Chapter Fifty-Two
When I slipped out of my apartment in the middle of the night, leaving Hope sleeping in my bed, it was because of the phone call I'd received from G.
He had another job for me, and I had some choice fucking words for him in return.
However, when I was heading to my truck and noticed the same black Camaro that followed Hope wherever she was, parked outside my building, I felt my temper reign in.
Gonzalez was keeping up his side of the deal –protection – so I had no problem keeping up my end.
But once I was done, once I had my business affairs squared off, it was time to get shit done on a personal level.
I found him on the fourth floor, room 38.
Looking through the small rectangular panel of glass, I stared at the man who had caused Hope so much pain.
He was alone.
Slipping past the sleeping nurse outside his door, I walked inside the room, and quietly closed the door behind me before walking over to the empty chair at his bedside.
Settling down in the chair, I placed my hands on the armrests and watched him sleep.
He wanted to die.
I could make it quick.
No one would know.
I was very creative.
So why wasn’t I moving?
He didn’t deserve mercy.
An eye for an eye.
Rape my woman, and I take your life; it was simple math.
Hitting her.
Blackmailing her.
Forcing her.
I waited for the instinct to rise up inside of me; the one that came right before a kill.
But it didn’t come.
Instead of fury, I feltpity.
I didn’t want to feel it, because he didn’t fucking deserve it.