"Because I'm done," I choked out, clenching my eyes shut as I absorbed the feel of her touch.
This woman.
I held so much emotion inside for her.
I felt so much for her.
It was hard to look in her eyes.
It was even worse to remember.
The beatings she endured fromhim.
The abuse she suffered trying to getmeout.
His friendsrapingher.
Taking turns on her over and fucking over as she begged them to stop, and then, as the years went on, just letting them do whatever the hell they wanted.
I saw it all.
I watched as she slowly lost her mind.
And I couldn’tsaveher.
Paul Smith was serving thirty-five years in prison for the crimes he committed against my mother and me – my uncle Danny had made damn sure of that – but it didn’t change anything.
Putting him behind bars couldn’t erase the past.
The memories.
And now?
I'd done the same thing.
I had condemned the one person in the world I had never wanted to hurt to the same fucking torture I had suffered.
I couldn’t take my mother's sympathy.
If she knew what I did?
She wouldn’t be here now.
I didn’t deserve to be saved.
Chapter Forty-Six
It is said that we are all one decision away from an altered life.
One decision can change the path of your future forever.
After today, I knew it was true.