Page 12 of Altered

Lucky:Yeah, that's my full name.


Lucky:Hunter "the blond with tattoos" Casarazzi.

Hope:Sorry…I'm bad with names.

Lucky:Don’t sweat it. You only need to remember one from here on out.

July 3rd2016

Hope:Thanks for the ride today.

Lucky:Anytime, sweetheart.

Lucky:You've got me intrigued.


Lucky:Those cat pajamas.

Hope:Ha. Never going to see them, buddy.

Lucky:Never say never, HC…

August 12th2016

Lucky:Wanna go for a drink?

Hope:Can't. Drowning in work.

Lucky:Come with me and you can drown in whiskey instead.

Hope:Ugh. Don’t tempt me.

Lucky:Last chance… Jack's waiting on us at the bar.

Hope:You're a bad influence on me…

August 26th2016

Hope:What do you call a dinosaur that sits on a pin?

Lucky:Really? We're gonna do this again?

Hope:Humor me.

Lucky:I don’t know. What do you call a dinosaur that sits on a pin?

Hope:A mega-sore-ass.

Lucky:You're laughing out loud right now, aren’t you?

Hope:Oh yeah!

Lucky:Little weirdo.

Hope:What do you call a ship that sits at the bottom of the sea and shakes?