That flickering flame in my heart, the one that had ignited when he crashed into my world all those months ago, grew brighter with every step I took.
It was as if my soul was leading my body to its mate.
I was moving purely on the very basic of instincts.
I was moving onlove.
Of course, the last semblance of intelligence still inside my brain was laughing at me for being so dumb and not taking my truck, but my heart shut that shit up quickly.
I didn’t have time for logic.
I watched his truck take one of the narrow bends in Teagan and Noah's disgustingly mile long driveway and mentally cursed them for being so fucking selfish, but I didn’t stop running.
Because I couldn’t.
Icouldn’tlet him go.
Letting him leave me was like letting my body bleed out and doingnothingto stop it.
I needed him.
I wanted him.
I loved him, dammit.
I'd made so many mistakes, and in doing so, I had hurt theoneperson who had stood by my side through everything
I'd driven away the one person who'd loved me through my ugliness.
Adrenalin coursed through my veins as I ran through the rain, through the darkness that was cloaking the sky, soaked to the skin, and desperately in love with the man driving away from me.
I ran until the muscles in my legs began to spasm and seize.
I ran until my lungs felt like they'd been doused in gas and set on fire.
I wasn’t sure why I was still moving.
He was long gone by now, but I couldn’t give up.
I couldn’t stop my feet from chasing after him.
Desperation swirled inside of me, an emotion I knew oh too well.
I ran.
And I ran.
I ran until I turned a corner and saw a faint set of car lights in the distance.
My hair clung to my face, my clothes were molded to my skin. I was drenched from head to toe, body growing weary, but my heart was roaring inside of me, driving me forward, screaming at me tomove my ass.
I couldn’t feel my toes. Blisters were forming on the heels of my feet but the image of Hunter's face in my mind pushed me forward.
I ran straight past the gates at the entrance of Noah and Teagan's property and north in the direction of The Hill.
Finally, when I couldn’t take a single step more, I leaned over and placed my hands on my thighs, breathing hard on the side of the road.
Rain continued to drench me, unrelenting and I welcomed the sting.