All I wanted to do was have a full-blown panic attack, but that wouldn't solve anything.
I was pregnant and I didn’tknow.
I had only slept with two men in my entire life, and either one could be the father of the child inside of me.
Disgust filled my body.
Shame crept through my veins.
Logically, I knew the chance of this baby being Hunter's was high, and knowing that was the only thing that was keeping me sane.
But I had the worst feeling inside of my heart; like a rising swell of dread and panic.
It only took one time to get pregnant.
And what Jordan did to me that night?
What he held me down andforcedme to do?
My womb wouldn’t care that Ihadn'twanted it – that I hadn'tconsented.
Standing up, I shoved the test into the back pocket of my jeans and then quickly cleaned up, before hurrying back downstairs to the living room – my living quarters since May.
Reeling, I paced the floor, desperately trying to figure out my next move.
What did I do now?
Who did I tell?
How was I going to face this?
There were so many questions that I had no answers to, but only one answer that didn’t need to be questioned.
I couldn’t stay here.
I needed to get out.
Chapter Thirty-Six
I decided to sleep on it before making any decisions about my future, potential fathers, or the baby growing inside of me. Surprisingly, I actually managed to get a full night's sleep last night, and when I woke up this morning, it was with a fresh perspective and bulletproof resolve.
I knew what I had to do now.
For me, and my baby.
For two long months, I had allowed myself to be completely isolated from the world and I refused to continue living like this.
I was too strong a woman to roll over and take this shit.
I was getting my baby as far away from this cesspool of poison as possible.
All bets were off now.
I was leaving.