I was being guided solely on my feelings, and my heart was leading me straight into Hunter's arms.
If that made me a horrible human being, then so be it.
I could no longer deny the feelings I had for him, not when they were bursting clean out of my chest.
Maybe I had never been scared of my feelings for him.
Maybe the emotions in my heart, the ones that had kept me paralyzed and rooted at a standstill for the past fourteen months, had been fear of other people's reactions tomyfeelings for Hunter.
Of other people's opinions.
With his truck window rolled down and the wind blowing in my face, I watched from the passenger seat as Hunter bobbed his head to the music and drummed his hands on the wheel, all while balancing a cigarette between his lips.
God, he was un-fricking-believable…
Everything had gone to hell in a handbasket and there he was; blasting Hozier from his truck stereo and smoking his cigarettes.
Calmness enveloped me when I was around him; a sort of peace cloaking over my heart like an invisible blanket of warmth and protection.
I wassafein this truck.
I was safe withhim.
He cast a glance sideways, noticing that I was watching him, and offered me a flirty wink.
I couldn’t figure the man out, and maybe that was the point.
Maybe all I had to do was hold on and enjoy the ride.
Maybe I wasn’t supposed to fix him.
Maybe he was the one who was supposed to fixme.
"I meant what I said," I told him, staring at his side profile. The cool hard light of day had brought with it a new level of terror, but my resolve hadn't wavered. The closer we got to Denver, to facing Jordan, the harder my conscience slammed against my heart. But I wouldn’t give in to the guilt this time. Never again. I knew who I wanted to be with, and this time, I was brave enough to act on it. "I'm yours."
Hunter responded by reaching across the console and taking my hand in his.
With a boyish smirk plastered across his face, he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.
The small, tender act of affection hit me like a wrecking ball.
I was doing the right thing.
It was going to hurt like hell.
But I had to do what was right for me, not what was easy.
And Hunter?
He was the only thing in a world full of wrong that felt unequivocallyrightfor me.
Stay strong, Hope.
Stay true toyou.
You can do this.