Bodies joined together.
Completely wrapped up in each other.
And I wanted to die.
Unable to stand another second of this torture, I tossed the bottle away and cranked my engine.
With bleary eyes and my head spinning, I tore off down the street, resolved.
My destination this time; the police station.
That bastard was going down.
Chapter Eleven
Dressed in one of Hunter's t-shirts, I sat on the bed I had run from less than twenty-four hours earlier, thumbs twiddling and knees bopping along to the rhythm of my haywire nerves.
I kept thinking that my time was running out.
How close I had come to being raped tonight?
Itdidsomething to me – to my mind.
I felt warped.
Like I had very suddenly been exposed to a part of this world I wanted no part of.
And then I kept thinking it wasn’t over.
That it was going to happenagain.
That I was going to be raped and killed.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure which one was worse; the thought of being violated like that, or having the life forced out of my body.
When Hunter stepped out of the adjoining ensuite a little while later, dripping with water, a towel wrapped around his narrow hips, and his blond hair slicked back from his face, my heart sprang to life in my chest.
The fear threatening to consume me seemed to quieten when he was near. His mere presence forced the anxiety knotting my stomach to slither back to the hole it had crept out of.
I wanted this man and it didn’t seem to matter how or why.
I just did.
Somewhere deep down in my soul, he called out to me and, no matter how much I tried to block him out, his call still broke through.
There was no other place in the world I wanted to be in this moment than right here with him.
There was no logic to my actions, no good could come of this arrangement, and still I yearned... Iached.
That's why I needed to have him inside me.
Just him.
I needed him to replace the broken thoughts in my head, the thunderous pain in my heart.