Page 171 of Altered

"I know, HC." Shaking my head, I released a trembling sigh. "Goddamn, huh? We have a daughter."

"Who'd have thought, huh?" Hope replied softly. "We made a family together."


I had afamilyagain.

These girls.

They were mine.

Leaning over the bed, I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you so fucking much, Hope Carter," I told her before pressing a kiss to her lips. "I will always be here for you. For both of you." I kissed her again. "I willneverleave you alone again."

"I love you too," she whispered, tears falling down her cheeks now. "Happy tears," she assured me with a smile. "Here," she said suddenly, thrusting the tiny bundle of blonde curls into my arms. "Hold your daughter."

"Does my daughter have a name?" I asked, shaking from head to toe with nervousness as Hope placed the tiny bundle into my arms.

"Abigail," Hope whispered. "It meansmy father's joy. I chose it before you came back to me. Because I wanted our baby to know that she was loved by her father…" Pausing, she bit down on her lip nervously. "It will probably be shortened to Abs or Abi when she's older, but the meaning is important to me. What do you think?"

My heart swelled at her words.

My father's joy…

"Abigail." I chewed the name around for a moment before breaking out in a huge smile. "Goddamn, I have a daughter with a perfect name."

"Abigail Casarazzi," Hope whispered, smiling up at me. "Our blonde haired, blue eyed baby has broken all Carter traditions."

"That's because she's a Casarazzi," I shot back with a wink. "Strong genes, baby."

I turned my gaze back to my daughter and felt a pang of something unfamiliar swell up inside of me to the point I felt I would burst.

"I will never let anyone hurt you," I promised, staring down at the little girl in my arms. Her eyelids flickered open, revealing tiny blue eyes.

"Fuck," I croaked out hoarsely, gazing down in sheer astonishment that this tiny person wasmydaughter. "Youownme," I told her. "Whatever you need…I will make it happen for you."

"Hunter." Hope smiled wearily up at my face. "She's like thirty minutes old. All she wants is my breast."

"Then give it to her," I replied without hesitation. I pressed a kiss to her tiny head before placing her back in her mother's arms. "Hey – what about a middle name? Have you thought of one?"

Hope nodded slowly. "I have."

I arched a brow. "Care to let me in on it?"

I watched Hope as she put the baby to her breast and then sighed softly. "I think her middle name should be Hayley."

My heart.

My fucking heart was exploding inside my body.

"You'd want to do that?" I whispered, shaking my head in confusion. "Why?"

Hope looked up at me with the brightest blue eyes and said, "I owe her everything I have. You? Who you are? How hard you love? The man you are today? It all started with Hayley."

"I love you more," I managed to strangle out. "You know that, right? What I had with Hayley? It was first love stuff. Nothing close to how I feel for you. And if it came down to the wire, it'syou,Hope Carter.Every single time."

"I know that," Hope replied, smiling. "I just think she deserves to be remembered."

And there she was; throwing me through another loop, making me feel so fucking unworthy of the amazing person she was.