Page 14 of Altered

Hope:Hmm. Okay.

Lucky:What's your flow?


Lucky:There are a shit ton of boxes here with little droplet symbols on them. What one should I get?

Hope:It's too weird. Put the tampons down!

September 23rd2016

Hope:I'm hungry.

Lucky:You're always hungry.

Hope:Are you going to come home and feed me?

Lucky:Someone has to give you a night feed.

Hope:Make tonight's night feed Chinese.

Lucky:Want me to burp you afterwards?

Hope:Not after last time.

Lucky:I told you; that was an accident. My hand slipped.

Hope:From my back to my ass?

Lucky:It was an honest mistake.

October 1st2016

Hope:Did you listen to that song I told you about yet?

Lucky:Nah. I'm not suicidal.

Hope:Listen to the song or I'll come sit on you.

Lucky:With that ass? Yes fucking please.

Hope:Fine. Listen to it or I won't sit on you.

Lucky:I'm rolling my eyes at you while I'm scrolling through YouTube.

Hope:Oh please. You know you love me.

Lucky:Won't argue with that.

October 6th2016

Hope:Got your email with the notes on the WIP.


Hope:You're a genius.

Lucky:I know.