Kyle and Noah continued to rant back and forth to each other the entire drive back to South Peak Road, throwing questions and tossing out conspiracy theories, while I sat back, sparked up a smoke, and enjoyed the mayhem.
Chapter Forty-Three
I waited for what felt like an age, with my heart in my mouth, for Noah, Dad, and Hunter to returned from their impromptu car ride.
When Noah's Lexus finally pulled up outside the house, I was attacked by an onslaught of nervous anxiety.
This was it.
"Okay," Teagan, who had been sitting next to me on the couch, announced. "Just talk to him." Clambering to her feet, she looked towards the bay window then back again. "Be firm – assertive. Hell, be full on aggressive if you need to be, just…make himstay."
I shook my head at her demands. "How the hell do you make a man like him stayanywhere?"
"With your vagina, dummy," Teagan shot back. "And breasts. Maybe both. At the same time." She looked me up and down and grinned. "And that ass. Yep, use your Kim-K ass. Hell, sit on him if you have to."
"You saw that, though," I squeezed out, feeling my throat tightening. "He didn’t even acknowledge me in the kitchen."
"Because youhurthim," she shot back. "And because he was surrounded by an impenetrable force of blue eyes and dimples." She blew out a breath before saying, "I've been there, in the center of a Carter inquisition, and it's not nice."
The sound of the front door slamming caused us both to jump and Teagan to add, "Fight or flight time, babe." She glanced to where the sound of male voices was coming from beyond the living room door. "Stand by your man time."
"For real?" I countered. "You're going to use song quotes on me?"
"It's the only thing that gets through to that big brain of yours," she retorted, tone hushed. She looked me square in the eye and said, "Be Moana, andchase the ocean. Or better again, do an Elsa andlet it fucking go– Jordan, that is. Not Luck."
"You are so fricking weird, Teagan Messina," I grumbled. "And Disney?"
"Hey, Disney works for me," she shot back without hesitation. "And I know you love those movies as much as I do. We've watched them togetherdozensof times."
The sound of the front door slamming sounded again, and then the living room door opened inwards and we were faced with a stony-faced Noah.
Disappointment churned inside me.
"Where's Kyle?" Teagan asked, making a beeline for Noah. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed a kiss to his chest. "His truck's still outside."
"Dropped him back to Thirteenth Street before we came home," Noah replied, pulling her closer. "Said he'd pick it up later."
"And Hunter?" I squeezed out, feeling like my windpipes were being slowly squeezed to death. "Where is he?"
"He got a call," Noah replied, tone weary. Inclining his head towards the bay window, he added, "Had to go."
My gaze moved to the window to where Hunter was opening the driver's door of his truck, and just like that, my feet were moving; every instinct in my body demanding I go to him.
Barreling past Noah and Teagan, I charged to the front door, eyes locked on the Black Ford Explorer that was pulling away from the house.
"Hunter!" I called out, panicking. "Hunter, wait for me!" Running at full speed, I threw myself down the porch steps and ran into the downpour.
I could see the back of his truck as it moved further out of sight.
Throwing my arms out like a raving lunatic, I continued to run after his truck, surprising myself with how fast I could actually move when I was chasing something I wanted –someone I loved.
"Please!" I called out, breathless as hard pellets of rain slapped against my face. "Don’t go…"
My heart hammered in my chest, the fear of rejection overwhelming, but the longing hunger spurring me on.