Page 33 of Keeping 13


“What happened here? What’s this from?”

“My dad.”

The signs were there, had been for months, and I’d just bulldozed past them. My eyes were open but I had been looking in the wrong direction. I didn’t hear her. I didn’t listen. I didn’t pay enough attention. I didn’t take it in, I didn’t see the hints, I couldn’t hear the cries for help, but I was hearing and seeing them now.

And now? She was lying in this hospital bed because I kissed her. Because I kissed the shite out of her and got us into trouble. That’s what Joey had said. Their father did this because she was messing around withme.

My mind drifted to Joey. Every time I’d met Shannon’s brother, he’d been sporting some fresh bruise on his face. I never thought twice about it, though. I had just put it down to hurling and brushed it under the table. God knows I spent most of my time nursing wounds. But this? My father was right. I could never understandthis.

My heart galloped wildly in my chest, my hand moving of its own accord as I reached out and clicked open the door. Casting a quick glance toward my father, who was still at the nurses’ station speaking to who I presumed was the ward sister, I pushed the door open and slipped inside.


Don’t Let Me Down


The sound of metal clanging loudly caused me to jerk out of a fitful sleep. A chair scraping against the tiled floor came next. For a few uncertain moments I wasn’t sure where I was. A part of me felt like I was back in my kitchen, so I kept my eyes clenched shut and braced myself for the impact. When it came in the form of a hand covering mine, I peeked up and found myself staring into a pair of achingly familiar blue eyes.

“Hi, Shannon.”

Was this real? Was I imagining this?

The wild, erratic beat of my heart and the heat of his hands on mine assured me that I was very much awake. Stunned, I looked down to where my hand was taped with wires and wrapped tightly in both of his before returning my gaze to meet his. “Hi, Johnny.”

“When did we suddenly switch places?” Johnny teased. His tone was light but his eyes were dark and stormy. “Are you trying to steal my thunder, Shannonlike the river?”

I cracked a smile. “I guess I wanted some of those drugs for myself.”

“Stay away from those drugs. They’ll fuck with your head.” He gave me a sad smile before looking around. “So, are you here on your own?” A deep frown was etched on his face. “Alone?”

I shook my head. “My mother is around here somewhere. She might be outside smoking.”

Johnny leaned forward and opened his mouth to speak, only to stop himself short. Blowing out a breath, he rolled his lips between his teeth and asked, “So, when are you getting out of here?”

“Maybe tomorrow,” I replied with a small smile. “Or the day after.”

Johnny nodded stiffly and I knew he wanted to say more, but he stopped himself. “I’m not supposed to be here,” he said then, shifting his gaze back to me. “At least, I don’t think I am.”

“I’m glad you are,” I whispered. Having him here, hearing his voice and seeing his face, settled something deep inside of me. Something shifted into place. An almost relieved sensation fluttered over my skin, soothing something deep inside of me. I felt like I was home. I knew that sounded crazy. It was more than crazy. It was downright insane, but I felt it. It was real, raw, and pushing me to move closer, be closer, keep him. In this moment, I felt something align itself deep inside of my body, and when it did, the weight I was feeling, the heaviness in my heart and the pressure on my shoulders, just fell away.

“Me too,” he replied gruffly.

“So, when did you get home?” I asked, feeling hoarse and off-balance.

“This evening.” He raised my hand and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. “Took me forever to get back to you.”

His words caused a shiver to roll through my body. “I’m glad you’re back to me.” I knew I was opening myself up to heartache, not to mention the world of pain if he rejected me again, but I had to say it. “I really missed you, Johnny.”

“Christ, Shannon, I don’t know what to—” Johnny exhaled a huge breath, and then proceeded to lift my hand to his mouth. “You’re okay,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand, wires and all. Inhaling deeply, he placed my hand on his cheek and leaned into the touch. “You’ll be okay, won’t you?”

Nodding, I cradled his cheek in my hand and whispered, “Areyouokay?”

“Don’t ask me that.” His blue eyes burned holes inside of me so deep I felt like I could never be repaired as he said, “Not when you’re the one lying in here.”

“I’m sorry.”